Unicist homeopathy, what is it about?

Unicist homeopathy, what is it about?

Unicist homeopathy is the medicine indicated by Hahnemann which is summed up in “similia similibus curentur”, like is treated with like. In search of a remedy that accommodates the relevant miasma, the doctor works on an accurate medical history of his patient, through a homeopathic interview that can last up to an hour.

Unicist homeopathy, what is it about?

Giving a tout court definition of what is meant by unicist homeopathy is not easy. We can start with the affirmation that homeopathy aims to identify a remedy that is useful to the individual in its typicality , to cure its imbalances.

It does not therefore aim to eradicate the disorder but to treat the person in all the symptoms he presents.

Unicist homeopathy involves the administration of a single homeopathic drug suitable for the constitutional type of the patient. What does this entail?


Patient history

In homeopathic medicine the patient is considered as a whole and not for the symptoms he presents. An accurate anamnesis not of the disorder but of the constitutional characteristics of the person who resorts to this type of approach to the search for well-being is then carried out.

The so-called homeopathic interview is carried out

> an initial listening by the doctor to the symptoms described;

> continues with specific observations;

>  questions on family history, lifestyle habits, diet, psychological conditions, sleep quality, sexual sphere .

The homeopathic doctor investigates the so-called miasmas , or the predispositions to get sick, that every human being contemplates in himself. Hahnemann , the father of homeopathic medicine, had identified three, called psora , sycosis and lue .


Read also Symptoms, diseases and homeopathy >>


Quite obscure names in themselves , but let’s try to understand what he meant by these miasmas.

>  The first Psora miasma is indicative of everything that on a physical level is ” hypo “, in default, hypofunctional . Externally it can manifest itself with dry skin rashes, such as eczema, psoriasis, itchy urticaria. On a psychological level it is characteristic of shyness, insecurity, anxiety, weakness.

>  The second Sycosis miasma is indicative of everything that is “ hyper ”, in excess, is hyperfunctional on a physical level . Externally it can manifest raised appearances such as cysts, warts, nodules. Psychologically the Sycosis miasma shows impatience, restlessness, excess of ambition, authoritarianism.

>  The third miasma, Lue , is characterized by destruction, dysfunction . Externally it manifests itself with necrosis, ulcer, on a psychological level it highlights aggression, anger, revenge.

These three miasmas coexist in the individual with the predominance of one over the other in different periods of life and are constantly evolving. During the interview, the homeopathic doctor investigates to understand which is the predominant one in that condition.

Through studies subsequent to those of Hahnemann, other researchers have introduced constitutions that respond to biotypic characteristics and respond to psychosomatic approaches, in relatively recent times also endocrinological, which make medical anamnesis even more specific.


The unicist remedies

The homeopathic anamnesis is a tailor -made work , aimed at identifying the uniqueness of the patient , his characteristics and his symptoms.

And also within the latter, the peculiarity of that or those symptoms, of symptoms distant in time and of the most recent ones, is investigated, a diachronic excursus on the patient that connotes his uniqueness in order to then be able to administer the simillimum , the remedy more similar to the patient, and therefore more effective according to the Hahnemanian school of thought.

The symptom will not be suppressed, but accompanied to its resolution with the rebalancing of the individual as a whole , because the symptom itself is not considered disease but the expression that the organism manifests of the miasmatic peak. In fact, the rapid and immediate suppression of the symptom does not represent healing, and could even shift the miasmatic expression to other organic districts.

During the first times of administration of the simillumum the symptoms could tend to an exacerbation and in homeopathy this is a positive symptom, which indicates that the remedy is the correct one.

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