Two side effects of the diet that you don’t know

Two side effects of the diet that you don’t know

Always on a diet? Always in calorie restriction?
Among the many side effects  of the diet that are the consequence of a restrictive regime that has been prolonged for a very long time, such as nervous hunger, increased stress, insomnia, metabolic slowdown and so on, there are two in particular that you would not expect.
But which, according to a recent study of over three thousand Canadian students, represents an alarming phenomenon.

That is, a greater consumption of alcohol and nerve substances such as cigarettes.

The most affected are in fact young people, and in particular young women who are always on a diet and obsessed with the figure .
In order not to feel the pangs of hunger, they often go on to coffee, light coke and cigarettes.

And on weekends they drink more, but that’s not all.

Following the cliché (actually very wrong) that alcohol makes hunger go away , those on a restrictive diet tend to crave alcohol more than when they eat normally, and in this case they speak not of binge-eating but of binge- drinking, or a tendency to consume alcohol in excess.
Via vodka and gin in young people who follow low carb diets, for example, because these spirits do not contain carbohydrates.

And away with cigarettes to avoid munching all day.

Taking note of moving forward or having even started with bad habits is the indicator that something is wrong with our diet, and they are no less alarming phenomena for the health of episodes of nervous hunger.

So if we notice that we are smoking more or we want to let ourselves go with one drink too many, let’s stop and think: is it really worth living off bad habits to reach the ideal weight?

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