Turmeric for Alzheimer’s: Can it Help?

Turmeric for Alzheimer’s: Can it Help?

Hello, I have my father-in-law hospitalized for pneumonia from infection decupid sores caused by his Alzheimer’s state … I state that the disease is, according to what the doctors said, in the final stage, even if in my opinion it is not exactly so since he is still he recognizes us and is in this state because he was afraid, after two traumas in which he hit his head, to start walking again … Only that he has barely eaten and drinks very little for several days … He has a food bag. I have heard of turmeric as an alternative natural remedy and I would like some advice from you and if there is something on the market that can at least encourage him to react to this situation, even if unfortunately Alzheimer’s is only worsening the clinical picture of patients, but I do not give up!!! Thank you.

Health Answers

Simona Vizzinisi
Good morning, as regards the pathology that described super omega 3 active advice, and lemon balm extract (as essential oil), lavender and sage, inhibit the enzyme acetylcholinesterase, which in patients affected by dementia is the neurotransmitter responsible for the degradation of cerebral acetylcholine, with lemon balm extract the improvement is felt on the cognitive performance of Alzheimer’s patients.For pneumonia eucalyptus oil and mint, to start put two drops of each in a basin with hot water and make fumigations, also excellent oil turpentine to apply locally. Yes for turmeric which can be found in capsules or essential oil. I remain available
Cinzia zedda - balances studio
Hello, generally the best results are obtained with the intake of phosphatidylserine. Turmeric is useful but to have significant improvements you need specific therapy dosages. Best regards Cinzia Zedda naturopath – reflexologist

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