Trouble Losing Weight? Watch out for these health problems

Trouble Losing Weight? Watch out for these health problems

Today I write not one , but two articles on problems with losing weight: in the first we have seen how sometimes it is the brain that makes weight loss difficult , while in this article we will look at some health conditions that can be associated with being overweight, and which often make it difficult for us to lose weight. really difficult for a person to lose the pounds gained. Let’s clarify one thing: it is almost always, or even always, possible to lose weight if you want to. Maybe it will take more time, maybe it will take more efforts and a different , personalized and targeted approach, that is an approach that includes a different dietary and even pharmacological (in some cases) or physical therapy, but there are no conditions so serious as to make it impossible to lose weight .. In this blog I have often reported on people’s weight loss news that looked like desperate cases, except in their own eyes. They bet on it, they made it. However, there are health problems that require greater care even in slimming strategies, and obviously a lot of patience on the part of those who suffer from it . Almost always, being overweight is associated with these conditions, and it often makes them worse.
In this case we will talk about secondary obesity : that is obesity which is a consequence of the health problem.

1) Polycystic ovary syndrome: it is a hormonal disorder that affects many women of childbearing age, up to ten percent of the female population. Of these, more than half are severely overweight. In fact, polycystic ovary syndrome is often associated with the problem of high insulin and blood sugar, up to insulin resistance. A balanced diet is essential, with a good morning breakfast, a low glycemic index diet and constant physical movement, as well as drug therapy to rebalance the hormonal framework or keep blood sugar under control (metformin, inositol). See: polycystic ovary, diet.

2) Osteoarthritis, arthritis, fibromyalgia and the like: these are all problems which, even if deriving from different causes, affect the musculoskeletal system of the subject, making it difficult to move, and often leading to a very sedentary life. In addition to supplementing a diet to be discussed with a nutritionist in order not to worsen the symptoms, identifying those food intolerances or sensitivities that contribute to it, physiotherapy or other rehabilitation therapy is essential to avoid that the lack of movement also weighs on the scales. Furthermore, being overweight is to be avoided and reduced in any case.

3) Excess of estrogen: it is often a common condition, but of which little is still talked about, to all women who, for example, have years of contraceptives behind them, or have ovulation problems, ovarian cysts, fibroids, which are they explain with a poor production of progesterone from the luteal to the menstrual phase. An excess of estrogen is related to an increase in body fat (especially abdominal fat), water retention, and an increase in the sense of hunger. Unbalanced diets (low carb, too rich in fiber, etc.) and increased stress also affect estrogen values ​​in women. A hormone dosage can reveal estrogenic excess.

4) Insomnia, sleep problems: those who chronically sleep less than six hours a night tend to have an imbalance of hunger hormones. That is, the hunger hormone (ghrelin) increases and the satiety hormone (leptin) is reduced, while the excess of stress hormones contribute to higher blood sugar and cholesterol. An often underestimated condition when it comes to losing weight.

5) Disorder of obesity due to neuroendocrine alterations: it occurs in case of severe hypothyroidism, primary hypothyroidism, but also following brain trauma and some diseases such as Cushing’s disease. The hypothalamus, which regulates the hunger and satiety hormones, does not work as it should, and the result is great difficulty in managing the sense of hunger and being satisfied. Or the problem is in the pituitary gland (for example in hypopituarism) or in the secretion of GH, the growth hormone. In these cases, the body tends to accumulate the calories of foods in the form of body fat, rather than using them energetically.

6) Drugs: some drugs have hormonal consequences, and lead to weight gain. These include those for migraines and psychiatric drugs or antiepileptics.

7) Genetic obesity : it is rare, often associated with some syndromes.

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