Treating anxiety and panic with homeopathy or otherwise?

Treating anxiety and panic with homeopathy or otherwise?

Hi Doctor, I am a 28 year old girl I would like from you an expert advice because I am very confused .. since about 5 years ago I had my first panic attack , with more and more drastic consequences. For two years I have been suffering from generalized and anticipatory anxiety , in the sense that I have started to have many phobias, fear of getting into the train, fear of leaving my country even if I am in company. I am afraid of being in too closed and crowded places. This pathology is causing me a lot of inconvenience, to the point that I no longer work because being around strangers causes me panic. I even got to the point of creating anxiety even if I have to go to a psychologist … I sleep a lot, at least 9/10 hours a day and if I sleep less I feel very agitated, tremors,tachiardia etc. and then I always feel very tired, at the slightest effort 🙁 recently due to a friend of my mother who deals with homotoxicology she prescribed Ignatia homaccord 10 drops 3 times a day, but the first time I took them I I felt too low, without strength, head in the void, almost like I would have been under the effects of drugs. Now I have decreased the dose, I am taking 2 drops in the morning and 4 in the afternoon. I wanted to know from you if you can always take less a healing effect on my organism and if homeopathy in my case can lead me to improvement. I ask you this because I have read that in case of panic there are also Bach flowers and I honestly do not know which treatment to take if homeopathic or naturopathic ?

Health Answers

Grieco Rosa
Hi, in your case both homeopathy and Bach flowers can help you, both of which I think are very valid, it depends on which you prefer I am a flower therapist and I must say that I have always had excellent results, obviously always after an interview. I wonder if after the reaction she had to taking Ignatia she consulted her mother’s friend before deciding to reduce the dosage for any problem in these cases, the therapist who follows the case is consulted. if you have other questions I am available I hope I was clear in the answers.
Ilaria Porta

Good evening, the treatment that the therapist can recommend depends on your constitution, on the cause that led to this physical-energetic imbalance. Bitter ignorance in some individuals can have that effect and more. This remedy that has been suggested to you is given in case of “anxiety with a depressive tinge”, here it seems to me there is more, panic attacks and anxiety accompanied by tachycardia etc … The remedies in this case are other, but everything goes evaluated after a careful interview and according to constitution, it can be flower therapy combined with homeopathy or phytotherapy or only one of those mentioned, or in my case of Mycotherapy. moreover, a good diet affects the emotional and physical well-being and an expert Naturopath also in this as well as in specific remedies for you can be of benefit. Good health


Doctor Luca Vivaldi
Good evening, anonymous, I was surprised to read that although she went to a psychologist, the trend of anxiety has not stopped or reduced. This usually happens, certainly not always in 1 or 2 interviews as people with anxiety disorders would sometimes expect. The Bach flowers or the remedies that you ask for and advise herbalists and naturopaths can be a valid remedy and sometimes able to neutralize the anxious experience that blocks panic; However, the style that she points out goes beyond the need for an elimination of the symptom, there is to face what lies behind that anxious, overwhelming, sometimes terrifying experience of living in her environment and that requires motivation and resistance over time: requires your own investment. What emerges in her writing is a progression of the discomfort in the past 5 years (at least 5). I think it is important to focus on the combination of two things: a symptomatic treatment that allows her to continue to face the commitments of life and a medium-term psychological path to face and review thoughts, emotions and experiences that she does not accept with good grdo, before they evolve into something more complex and problematic. One last aspect: – if on the one hand the treatment of a suffering is not always sweet and brings immediate relief, in fact it happens that the treatment begins with having to endure further suffering to the known one, which will only slowly and later be reduced; – on the other hand, you evaluate if the psychologist you consulted is suitable for your need, the role played does not always satisfy the person of the applicant, certain things (and the relationship with the psychologist is one of them) work if the relationship works, if people feel that they can collaborate profitably, otherwise the results of the work done hardly show themselves. Friendliness

Cinzia zedda - balances studio
Hello, the first question you should ask yourself is this: What did I ignore about myself and my life during that time and that made me feel so bad that I had panic attacks? And above all by insisting that the situation has not improved, what is there in my life that still haunts me today? It is not easy to be honest with yourself but the desire to return to a peaceful life is the right push to start loving yourself really well and heal. Not being able to go beyond the invitation to an inner journey flanked by homeopathy and Bach flowers, but remember that the real miracle is only you who can do it. Kind regards Cinzia Zedda naturopath – web writer
Loretta Loiacono
Dear Anonymous, when certain problems persist over time despite the most varied therapies, it is evident that the problem has been present at deeper levels than the physical one and certainly for a long time. The answer can only come from herself, perhaps using special techniques such as Reiki, meditation, regressive hypnosis through which the relevant professionals can guide her. As a reiki master I would advise you to turn to this wonderful psycho-physical healing method that could lead you, over time, to a self-maintenance of her new-found well-being that I am sure she could achieve. I remain at your disposal for any clarifications, good life.

Dr. Alice Iacono
Dearest, it must be really frustrating to live a life avoiding all the situations that create discomfort … the problem is that as you have noticed, the more you avoid them the more you will want to avoid them … of course you could use homeopathic products to try to feel less sick than not already, but if she really wants to get her life back in hand, cognitive behavioral therapy can really help her do it. The treatment of panic disorder is the treatment of choice in cognitive behavioral therapy. The development of standardized intervention protocols and efficacy studies mean that this anxiety disorder can be considered as the most commonly treated successfully.

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