Treating anxiety and panic with homeopathy or otherwise?
Hi Doctor, I am a 28 year old girl I would like from you an expert advice because I am very confused .. since about 5 years ago I had my first panic attack , with more and more drastic consequences. For two years I have been suffering from generalized and anticipatory anxiety , in the sense that I have started to have many phobias, fear of getting into the train, fear of leaving my country even if I am in company. I am afraid of being in too closed and crowded places. This pathology is causing me a lot of inconvenience, to the point that I no longer work because being around strangers causes me panic. I even got to the point of creating anxiety even if I have to go to a psychologist … I sleep a lot, at least 9/10 hours a day and if I sleep less I feel very agitated, tremors,tachiardia etc. and then I always feel very tired, at the slightest effort 🙁 recently due to a friend of my mother who deals with homotoxicology she prescribed Ignatia homaccord 10 drops 3 times a day, but the first time I took them I I felt too low, without strength, head in the void, almost like I would have been under the effects of drugs. Now I have decreased the dose, I am taking 2 drops in the morning and 4 in the afternoon. I wanted to know from you if you can always take less a healing effect on my organism and if homeopathy in my case can lead me to improvement. I ask you this because I have read that in case of panic there are also Bach flowers and I honestly do not know which treatment to take if homeopathic or naturopathic ?
Health Answers

Good evening, the treatment that the therapist can recommend depends on your constitution, on the cause that led to this physical-energetic imbalance. Bitter ignorance in some individuals can have that effect and more. This remedy that has been suggested to you is given in case of “anxiety with a depressive tinge”, here it seems to me there is more, panic attacks and anxiety accompanied by tachycardia etc … The remedies in this case are other, but everything goes evaluated after a careful interview and according to constitution, it can be flower therapy combined with homeopathy or phytotherapy or only one of those mentioned, or in my case of Mycotherapy. moreover, a good diet affects the emotional and physical well-being and an expert Naturopath also in this as well as in specific remedies for you can be of benefit. Good health

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