Too much fat increases the risk of colon cancer
I had already posted on Dcomedieta some studies that highlighted a side effect of a diet that is too high in fat, such as a high fat ketogenic diet, some paleo diets but also binge eating.
Today, a new study highlights an increased risk of colon cancer for those who eat too much fat in their diet.
For example, many people do not realize how much fat they eat in their diet, considering only condiments or foods that are rich in fat (for example fatty cheeses, bacon, peanut butter, etc.).
This is a big mistake, because they don’t consider sweets and salty snacks or savory preparations.
Desserts not only have sugar, they also have fat. Croissants, biscuits, snacks, breadsticks, chocolate creams, ice creams, chocolates, spoon desserts, cakes. And then salty foods such as a margherita pizza, which alone provides about 30-35 grams of fat, including mozzarella (17 grams of fat are only for 100 grams) and oil (10 grams of fat for a level spoon). Or lasagna, stuffed dishes, fries, pretzels, rustic pizzas with puff pastry, sausages.
While originally the Mediterranean diet was mainly based on low-fat foods, even if seasoned with olive oil, today by making a more modern diet we also reach 70-80 grams of daily fat per day but without counting the oil or the butter.
The equivalent of 7 of oil in addition to the oil itself.
We add the oil, two spoons between lunch and dinner, always if we are precise and we count the oil with the spoon: they make 90-100 grams of fat.
A single biscuit reaches 2-3 grams of fat: we eat 4 or 5 for breakfast and we are at 10 grams or more of fat. One packet of crackers has more than 3 grams of fat. A single chocolate has 4 or 5 grams. A 25-gram bag of chips has 9 grams of fat. This without counting cheeses, sausages, dried fruit and so on. Nor the toppings.
So you can imagine that in the space of 24 hours, if it abounds in industrial foods, it also abounds in fats.
Fats are used in the food industry to give more flavor to foods, make them more appetizing and push us to eat more. In the Mediterranean diet it is counted that on average 30% of the daily caloric requirement must come from fats. Precisely from 25% to less than 35%.
If we assume that a woman is on a 2000 calorie diet, this means that 600 calories must come from fat in their entirety. Let’s translate it into grams, that’s 66 grams of fat for a woman.
But we have seen before that between modern foods and condiments we arrive at 90-100 grams, therefore 25-30 grams of fat more. And only in a home context. Dinners out, breakfasts at the bar, lunches in the canteen, etc. I didn’t calculate them.
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