Tim Ferriss’s 4-hour low-carb diet

Tim Ferriss’s 4-hour low-carb diet

As with every time I tell you about a diet, there are healthy diets and diets to avoid.

In America, Tim Ferriss, who is neither a nutritionist nor a dietician, wrote a book that was hugely successful, inventing a diet called The four hours diet .

According to this diet, which Ferriss defines as ” slow-carb “, it is necessary to eat every four hours, having meals that are very similar to each other and essentially protein.

The foods of the diet are white and red meats, fish, green leafy vegetables, green beans and black beans, tomatoes and avocados, oil and butter, eggs and a glass of wine a day (in the evening).

If we feed only on these foods for a month, we lose about eight to ten kilos of fat and gain muscle mass, as long as we do physical activity at least three times a week, eat every four hours, always and only eat those foods.

Now I know that many will turn up their noses at the thought of having little food available in a month.
I’ll explain why this works for weight loss and why Ferriss’ 4-hour low carb diet works.

  • Let’s imagine this situation.
  • You want to start a diet. In your house you have cookies, chips, ice cream, crackers and snacks, Nutella or similar. Never mind, you tell yourself, I put these things aside and don’t eat them for the duration of the diet.
  • After four days, however, if you are losing weight, your levels of the hunger hormone leptin go up. You get cravings for both sugars and fatty foods. Go find the cookies and tell yourself that one won’t do you anything.
  • But how likely are you to stop at a cookie? Few, I tell you.
  • This is because many dieters rely on their willpower and self-control. A bad day is enough to go into crisis.
    And just a few too many biscuits to go wrong. This is the power that food has over us.
  • But if I make a clean sweep of those things, and eat similar meals to each other, it will be much easier to stick to the diet plan.
    My first diet was based on the same idea as Tim Ferriss, which is to make very similar menus with a few foods to choose from.
    Well, as I explain here , I lost 30 pounds.

In my opinion there are at least four good things about Tim Ferriss’ 4-hour low carb diet.

    Eating often is excellent advice when we are on a low calorie diet. We should eat whenever we are hungry, because whenever we feel like eating, our body is trying to tell us something.
    Sure, he’s hungry, you might say, but for example, do you know that depending on our food cravings, we understand what we should improve the diet? And even when they do. For example, if we start craving for sweets in the afternoon or evening, we have probably been eating few complex carbohydrates since the morning. Furthermore, prolonged fasting, beyond 3-4 hours, is to the complete disadvantage of the metabolism, because we are already introducing less food. Instead, in this way we keep hunger at bay.
    If we want to lose weight, we need to sleep better and more. This is because good sleep quality inhibits the storage of energy in fat. Sleep allows us to have a better metabolism.
    As I said at the beginning, Ferriss achieves this by telling people to always eat the same categories of foods, choosing from very few foods to feed themselves. In reality, however, in many people the obsession with weight is the big big obstacle to weight loss. It is a stress. Stress is the number one enemy of a thin body. We have to eat to live and not the other way around.
    So if you want to lose weight, don’t consider food as the ENEMY that has power over us, but as the way to feed us.
    You will also save a lot of time per week.
    Liquid calories are a big problem. We often add sugar to herbal teas and coffee. Fruit smoothies have a higher glycemic index than fruit. Not to mention the industrial juices. In addition, this stuff is not very satiated, because chewing is important to promote a sense of satiety.

Now let’s move on to the diet plan of the 4-hour low carb diet.

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