The weight loss drug for destroying fat mass

The weight loss drug for destroying fat mass

679-04250858Ok, before you ask me, even before I break the news: the drug I will talk about in this article does not yet exist on the market. It sounds like the new miracle of science, but it’s only been tested on mice at the moment. What am I talking about ? A drug capable of significantly reducing fat mass, or white fat cells, increasing the activity of brown fat, or that particular type of fat that stimulates metabolism and helps to burn more, and that overweight people have less than thin ones (simply because white fat allows the body to stay warm, so there is less need to burn calories to produce heat, contrary to what happens in thin people). In fact, we have known for some years that brown fat regulates thermogenesis and activates metabolism: the lean have more brown fat than the obese, and in general the rule is that the more brown fat you have, the thinner you are.
You may ask, is brown fat not always flab?Not exactly. Not only is the appearance different (it has a dark pink pigmentation) but so is the volume: what we call flab, which overflows from clothes and deforms us, is white fat. Brown fat is a concentration of very particular adipose cells, which form a connective tissue profoundly different from that of white adipose cells: the latter in fact create an adipose panniculus, or the so-called external layer of flab, or they can be present internally and for example forming the so-called visceral fat. Brown fat, on the other hand, is present in muscle tissue , and is generally very scarce in adult men. If a drug could increase brown fat, it would make us very lean, because this type of fat is not bulky like white fat and on the contrary it reduces it, because it stimulates the body to burn the fat mass typical of the adipose tissue. Now, a drug has been developed by some researchers precisely to promote the increase of brown fat and therefore make us burn more fat mass: after two weeks of administration in a sample of obese mice, they not only lost weight, but they lost half of their fat mass. An incredible result! It all started with the research of Doctor Shingo Kajimura of the University of California , who had already managed to isolate and reproduce brown fat in a previous experiment : hence, Dr.  Kevin Phillips of the Houston Methodist Research Institute

he and his team developed a drug called CG-1 . When administered to mice, the drug gave exceptional results, prompting a natural increase in brown fat in these animals. Now we will move on to experimentation on a human sample and in a few years we will have the definitive solution to the extra pounds.

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