The vegan 2-day diet

The vegan 2-day diet

The 2-day vegan diet is a regimen developed by the blogger of Oh She Glows , a very popular blog with  plant-based recipes, that is vegan or even vegetarian. This very simple scheme is useful for those who want to deflate easily by a kilo, especially in view of important lunches and dinners such as during the holidays, when they often exceed both in processed and industrial foods and in animal fats, not always of quality, not to mention the excess of sugar, alcohol and salt.
The 2-day diet is a way to take a break or anticipate a vegan and low-calorie diet. Let’s see it together in this slightly simplified version.

Before breakfast:
 a glass of water acidulated with the juice of half a lemon
 a cup of white or green tea without sugar + 35 grams of normal or gluten-free oat flakes cooked in 200 ml of sugar-free almond milk and mixed with a ripe banana, with a teaspoon of chia seeds and cinnamon.
Alternatively, a vegan smoothie with or without protein powder is fine here. 
Lunch: a plate of minestrone without legumes or potatoes with a teaspoon of oil + chickpea salad (200 g from boiled) or black beans (same weight, always boiled), with tomato, a cucumber, a teaspoon of oil and lemon or apple cider vinegar, herbs + a slice of rye bread.
Snack: a sliced ​​apple with a spoonful of almond butter
Dinner: 80 gr of quinoa boiled and sautéed with a mix of vegetables of your choice between vegetables and green leafy vegetables (rocket, chicory), a teaspoon of oil, a handful of olives, spices to taste; alternatively the same amount of rice or gluten free pasta with sautéed vegetables and a teaspoon of oil.
Snack: a chia seed pudding: here and here some recipes.

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