The Valentine’s Day diet of Dr. Giovanna Corona

The Valentine’s Day diet of Dr. Giovanna Corona

Valentine’s Day is one of those occasions in which you end up exaggerating a bit at the table between desserts and restaurants. If we want to enjoy the moment, we can play cunning a few days before or “fix” a few days later. Here are the advice of Dr.  Giovanna Corona , nutritionist biologist and sports nutritionist based in Rome and Caserta. 

On Valentine’s Day, the feast of lovers and love, you need to get in shape to enjoy the day without guilt and with the right spirit.
Here is a small elaborate diet Dr. Giovanna Corona , nutrition biologist from Rome.

A premise is essential. The diet is always characterized by two elements: constancy and balance. So, no illusions! Diets lasting a few days, such as Valentine’s Day, do not allow you to lose a lot of weight but, in any case, what you can do is set a more balanced diet that favors the drainage of liquids and allows you to deflate.
To prepare for the celebrations of a romantic evening, we can start a mini diet in the 3 days before Valentine’s Day and in the following 3 days, characterized by a low intake of carbohydrates.
The scheme first involves drinking a lot of water . Each day, we take a 2.5 liter bottle of water which must be finished by the evenin

For breakfast , we drink a hot lemon tea, then 1 low-fat yogurt with cereals and a coffee. Mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack with a seasonal fruit (apples, oranges, mandarins, etc.). Lunch and dinner a portion of vegetables, raw or cooked, a second choice based on meat, chicken, fish, eggs. For dressing, you can use 3 teaspoons of oil per meal, to be used both for cooking and raw.
This eating pattern will allow you to compensate for the higher intake of fats and carbohydrates during Valentine’s Day and to feel more beautiful and ready for an evening of love.
Food is love and passion. With food you can seduce and conquer, because love also passes from the belly, from one’s well-being and from physical form.
Happy Saint Valentine’s!

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