The tricks to lose weight of the stars

The tricks to lose weight of the stars

To show you that following the habits of the stars rather than doing us good disperses the gray matter of a little bit of all of us, I found a fantastic list of weight loss tricks that Hollywood celebrities use to stay fit.

I’ll list them exactly as I found them, at least the most famous.
We will discover that most celebrities do absurd things, harmful to health and often senseless in order to keep fit.

Please don’t take their example or I don’t love you anymore!


  • Nicole Kidman eats 4 to 5 eggs a day . Please don’t imitate her.
  • Gwyneth Paltrow drinks two liters of water a day, eats gluten-free, grain-free, lactose-free, fat-free. Don’t imitate it if you don’t want to feed on air.
  • Jennifer Aniston did the baby food diet . Do not imitate it even in a dream.
  • January Jones eats the placenta . Do I really need to tell you something?
  • Anne Hathaway eats oatmeal. Imitate her at breakfast.
  • Sarah Michelle Gellar hits us with cauliflower soup. Don’t imitate it.
  • Christina Aguilera follows the color diet . Varying your diet with different colored fruits and vegetables is a good rule of thumb.
  • Beyoncé practices colon hydrotherapy when a vegan diet is not enough. For charity.
  • Mariah Carey eats unsalted and unsweetened. I don’t think it worked.
  • Kim Catrall eats fish three times a day. It seems to me an excessive thread.
  • Gerard Butler eats a little of everything, but keeps up with physical activity. Ah, what a good guy.
  • Adriana Lima uses protein shakes. Leave them to her.
    Here is the complete list of fessere.

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