The therapeutic power of cats
What power do cats have on our mood and how being close to an animal can really upset our life for the better. Let’s discover together the power of purring, cuddling and paw games with a lot of affectionate claws

The term cat therapy refers to the therapeutic power that animals, cats in particular, can exert on people. Indeed, there is no doubt that proximity to a pet brings benefits not only to the psyche but also to the body. Let’s find out how.Â
How Cats Heal UsÂ
There are those who speak of a real cat therapy , in the vast range of pet therapies , as the powers that cats have on our well-being act directly on the body and psyche.
Cats give a first real benefit to our organ that pumps life, the blood. Research carried out for over 10 years by researchers at the University of Minnesota has focused precisely on the study of this type of effect on the heart system, finding that the presence of a cat, studied on a specific target, decreases by 30. % risk of  heart attack .
In the sample studied, those who shared a home with a feline animal had much lower blood and pressure values ​​than other individuals subject to cardiovascular risk and non-pet owners.Â
Having a cat also acts on depressive states , on the level of triglycerides , on muscle tension.
It has been scientifically proven that the purring of cats has a beneficial frequency on our health: wandering around a band ranging from 20-140 Hz , they directly contact the vibrations of which we too are composed and act in a positive sense.
For example, purring has been shown to increase a tissue’s ability to relax, a muscle band to stretch , and a wound to heal . The frequency of the purr also goes to  strengthen the strength of the bones .
A research conducted by WebMD has shown that the effects of proximity to a cat are found in blood pressure and also in the progress of those living with Alzheimer’s disease , reducing the levels of anxiety generated by the degeneration of the disease.
 Benefits and a lower frequency of falls in depressive states are also found among AIDS patients . Significant benefits were also found with respect to the  elderly, the chronically ill and the disabled. Some studies have shown satisfactory results in the treatment of schizophrenia  and insomnia .
The benefits of pet therapy at school
Heal yourself by taking care of an animalÂ
Coming into contact with a cat involves a whole series of actions that include deep care. For example, care must be taken in  case the cat has caught fleas ,  in case he develops the so-called feline acne .
Like dogs, cats can suffer from psychological disorders; it is not uncommon for the cat to fall into a condition of depression , which is generated when energy is repressed and there is no stimulus. If you have a cat, you must be ready to play , love, have time.Â
If you travel a lot, you have to consider any motion sickness , predisposition to feline colds , forms of mycosis . We are not listing these possibilities to discourage potential future feline friends, but to give a real idea of ​​what it means in terms of responsibility to have a pet.
Simultaneously, caring helps to expand the amount of love one can receive , it is like a one-to-one movement. And it guarantees growth on a human level, passing through a rich exploration of the animal sphere.Â
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