The super detox tea with chia seeds
You need to try this detox tea for at least a week for it to work , but it’s worth giving it a try. The reason is that this super detox tea that I propose today has chia seeds, so it is useful for increasing intestinal regularity and deflate the belly if taken regularly. In addition, its “spicy” flavor combined with the power of the catechins contained in the tea ( here a study), enhances the thermogenic effect of the drink, helping our metabolism to burn more.
Do the treatment for one or two weeks, then suspend it and resume it every now and then, perhaps accompanying the drink with two extra-dark chocolate cubes.
Detox tea with chia seeds
For 500/600 ml of water (daily dose: two cups of tea or two glasses if we enjoy it cold)
2 bags of green tea
a 6/7 cm piece of fresh ginger root
two slices of lemon organic
one teaspoon of honey (per cup, so two in all if we prepare it first)
two pinches of cayenne pepper
2 level tablespoons of chia seeds (20 g)
Heat the water in a saucepan until it boils. Then turn off, add all the ingredients and leave to infuse for 10 minutes. Chia seeds will tend to flake off, releasing fibers that will help with regularity.
After ten minutes, filter everything, and drink our detox tea cold or at room temperature or cold, with some ice cubes.
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