The strange detox by Gwyneth Paltrow to lose weight fast

The strange detox by Gwyneth Paltrow to lose weight fast

That Gwyneth Paltrow has some dietary problem and that in particular she follows a diet bordering on orthorexia, fixed as she is by detoxes or cleanses, is something I have been thinking about for a long time. But this latest news about her, absolutely true, given that the actress herself wrote about it on the Goop site, leaves me really perplexed, and before it becomes a trend, I want to say what I think.
This is the news: to lose weight quickly and show up with a bare stomach on the cover of Women’s Health, Paltrow would follow a diet based on raw goat’s milk for eight days.

Personally I know the milk diet and its variants : raw milk diet, milk and apple diet, milk and orange juice diet (perhaps the best version). These are lightning regimes for a very short time, from one to three days to avoid nutritional deficiencies, based on whole milk. In short, a liquid diet should not be continued for long.

A lot of people say it is effective for fast weight loss, I am always very skeptical of these drastic remedies. But above all: eight days is an eternity . Eight days means killing your metabolism and being stressed beyond measure. Furthermore, in recent times we are witnessing this business of goat milk, which is pushed to popularity through often false claims, such as:
– goat milk is less protein than cow’s milk: false, they have similar protein content
– goat milk is suitable for those who are lactose intolerant: false
– goat milk gives less allergies: false
The only true things are:goat milk contains less casein than cow’s milk; goat milk has a better and slightly higher lipid profile (and a dozen more calories), and more digestible proteins. Therefore it is more digestible in general. Plus, its short-chain fatty acids are good fats (but that doesn’t mean cow’s milk fats are bad). However, it has more calcium than cow’s milk, but: less folic acid and less vitamin B12.
The point is: we are not talking about a miracle food for losing weight. Furthermore, when raw it could contain too many impurities to be advisable (as well as I challenge you to find it).
Paltrow’s justifications then reach nonsense: thanks to this diet she would have lost weight and would have defeated intestinal parasites (ah …), when the reality is that by drinking milk for eight days in a row she simply reduced her caloric intake, since with two liters you get to 1400 calories per day.

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