The special salad for weight loss even in winter

The special salad for weight loss even in winter

You know, salad is a good way to eat lightly, unless you mean a nice pizza with rocket by salad. Obviously, you need to keep an eye on the toppings. But if eating salad for weight loss is perfect for the summer, in winter the classic salads have, rightly, a lower appeal. Hot soups
and minestrone are preferred for weight loss.

Instead, there is a great way to eat the equivalent of a salad in winter. This is a special salad!
The so-called warm or winter salad is a real panacea, it allows us to satiate ourselves more than the coppona di minestrone. In fact, the hot salad does not promote water retention, unlike the minestrone, which at first swells us and which is not tolerated by everyone.

What does this special salad consist of?

The winter salad is based on a mix of vegetables combined with green leafy vegetables, to which you add another food to flavor. These vegetables are sautéed raw in a pan with just a teaspoon of oil, or even without oil, and spices. They are then seasoned raw with lemon juice or vinegar (also balsamic or apple). It is a single dish.

Let’s see the recipe step by step.

the special salad for weight loss even in winter

The special winter salad for weight loss. How to do it. 

  • Choose a vegetable with a purifying effect from watercress, Chinese cabbage, savoy cabbage, cabbage, radicchio, chicory, turnip greens, chard, spinach or broccoli. Only one of these vegetables in free quantity.
  • Add a vegetable rich in fiber and purifying such as celery, thinly sliced ​​artichoke hearts, bean sprouts, cauliflower, fennel or onions in doses of 150 grams. These vegetables must be reduced into thin parts, to facilitate cooking. Here, too, you have to choose only one.
  • Now you have your pairing: vegetable one and vegetable two.
    Blanch them in water for 10 minutes, drain everything, pour the vegetables into the pan with a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil or a teaspoon of coconut oil and continue for another 5 minutes. While cooking, add one or two spices of your choice including turmeric, ginger powder, chilli powder, curry, and after the vegetables are cooked but not crushed, turn off the heat and season raw with apple or balsamic vinegar.
    To this basic recipe you can add 5-6 olives and / or capers or 2 datterini tomatoes or half a raw carrot or a handful of pomegranate grains.
  • Pour onto a serving dish and add a 100 gram boiled potato, even sweet, cut into quarters, or 100 grams of pre-cooked legumes of your choice.
  • Accompany this salad with a protein food such as 50 grams of grilled tofu or seitan, 50 grams of smoked salmon, 70 grams of chicken breast, 100 grams of cottage cheese or a large egg or spoonful of pumpkin seeds. You only have to choose one.
    Now mix everything and enjoy.
    Example: special salad of broccoli, fennel, olives, chickpeas and pumpkin seeds. Or chard, red onion, capers, potatoes, egg. Calories for the whole dish: 300. The equivalent of 80 grams of unsalted pasta with four times the volume and with nothing else to add.

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