The seven chakras: names, meanings, colors
The seven chakras can be compared to electrical transformers: they collect the energy that flows in the body, work it and transform it, and then redistribute it again.

The seven chakras are energy centers where the energy of our body flows. What are they and what points do they correspond to? What functions do they have and how to open them?
In Eastern traditions, the human body is composed of many levels of energy , both physical and “subtle”. The concept that we are creatures with a physical body recurs in the sacred Buddhist texts – which we use to run, walk, eat, stay in the world – but our existence does not end in this evident physicality.
We also have a subtle body called “vajra body” ( vajrakõya ), regulated by flows of subtle energy distributed along channels ( nadis ) and within energy centers ( chakras ). The energy that accumulates in the chakras allows us to have an intellectual, emotional and spiritual activity.
Opening a chakra means activating the type of energy that can be released from the single center. Meditation, listening to others, life itself, the choices it puts before us, are all ways through which a chakra can open. There is also a technique which consists in focusing on the single chakra and visualizing the associated color; in fact, each symbol that identifies a chakra corresponds to a precise chromatic tone.
When they are well developed, the chakras release energy which becomes creative power, sexual pleasure , enhancement of one’s natural gifts.
We discover the meaning of each chakra, reading it both individually and spiritually.Â
Do you want to know more about the 7 main chakras?
Let’s discover, one by one, the seven chakras
1st chakra, muladhara or “root chakra”
Position : in the lower part of the pelvis, between the coccyx and pubis
Color : red
Meaning : psychic stability in the different situations of life, the ability to govern instincts; since it only has one pole, it tends to be a bit larger than the other chakras. It is the chakra with which the energies of the Earth are absorbed and excess tensions discharged through the sexual act.
2nd chakra, svadhistana or “splenic chakra”
Position : lower half of the belly
Color : orange
Meaning : it is pleasure, the joy of life, sexuality expressed to its fullest potential.
3rd chakra: manipura or “solar plexus chakra”
Position : upper half of the belly
Color : yellow
Meaning : it is the ability to act vigorously , will, self-esteem and personal autonomy. In a spiritual sense it is the active essence with which we have been endowed.
4th chakra, anahata or “heart chakra”
Position : pectoral area of ​​the body
Color : green
Meaning : it is the ability to love emotionally, that is, to experience a feeling that does not start so much from the mind as from the heart. It should be remembered that, in the yoga tradition, love and listening are closely related; spiritually speaking, they have the same value.
5th chakra, vishuddha or “throat chakra”
Position : in the lower half of the neck and at the level of the collarbones
Color : blue
Meaning : creativity , communication, strong aesthetic perception. Good artists, musicians and other servants of art are people in whom vishuddhait is well developed. In a spiritual sense, in fact, it represents the connection with the elsewhere, being in communication with dimensions that go beyond the human.
6th chakra , adjnia or “third eye chakra”
Position : large chakra located in the center of the forehead
Color : indigo
Meaning : it is the tactical , rational mind. In a spiritual sense it is the third eye, as a quality of the person is self-confidence.
7th chakra, sahasrara or “crown chakra”
Position : above the skull
Color : purple
Meaning : it is the strong ability tothink strategically , that is, embrace the situation with thought; in a spiritual sense it is communion with the Divine, in an individual sense it is self-realization.
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