The reflex zones of the foot: the spleen
How the spleen is reflected on the feet according to holistic foot reflexology: placement and treatment

The spleen is part, together with the tonsils, the thymus, the Peyer’s plaques and the lymph nodes, the lymphatic organs : together with the lymphatic vessels, they all make up the complex drainage system of the body’s fluids.
While the vessels carry the lymph that transpires from the blood vessels, the spleen is responsible for cleaning the blood of bacteria , waste substances and viruses : it destroys aged red blood cells and recovers from this process some products deriving from degradation, such as iron, which returns to the liver via the blood.
It is a small organ located in the left side of the abdomen, between the stomach and the diaphragm, deep down. The spleen is rich in blood and also has the function of depositing platelets and blood. It works in concert with the entire lymphatic system and, for the blood storage function, together with the liver.
Due to these functions, by holding and releasing the blood, it contributes to the regulation of blood pressure and, due to its role as a lymphatic organ , it participates in the defense of the organism .
It contains blood and blood cells and in case of physical exertion, for example, regulates the quantity and quality of the blood. For this reason, during intense muscular work, when squeezed, it transmits the classic pain to the spleen.
The spleen in the reflex zone of the foot
The spleen , an unequal organ present only in the left hypochondrium, is reflected on the foot , mirrored on the left foot, more precisely on the sole of the left foot, in the soft part of the musculature.
The spleen area is located on the sole in a straight line under the fourth toe, at the joint of the fourth and fifth metatarsus. The epicenter is just above the area, towards the fourth finger.
Applying the mirror and similitude principles of holistic foot reflexology® , it is easily found by looking at the left foot.
Spleen, learn more about natural cures and remedies
Analogue interpretation of the spleen
The position of the spleen , so deep in the abdomen, close to the stomach and pancreas, whose function is often ignored, is an organ that, analogically for this position, speaks of the shadowy and little known part. However, its role is fundamental: this small and delicate bag that stores and releases blood participates in the blood exchange and defense of the organism .
The spleen deals with emergency situations, such as intense muscle stress, intoxication, haemorrhage and asphyxia: analogously, by taking charge of managing blood reserves and being part of the immune system, it is connected to the ability to regenerate wounds and to operate in situations in which the psychosome senses that it is being attacked or in distress .
For the function of recovering iron from the destruction of aged red blood cells it is connected, for analogue medicine, to the ability to let go of the past by extrapolating its concrete and solid component and making a synthesis of the experience itself.
In traditional Chinese medicine, the spleen is a very important organ, belonging to the earth movement, and is linked to the brooding of thoughts and experiences; it is therefore closely connected to the mind, to the part of thoughts. The energetic aspect of the spleen and the mental aspect of circular thoughts influence each other, as well as the intestine in its physical and analogical aspect.
Physical treatment of the reflex points of the spleen
The soft part of the foot may feel empty or tense, painful or silent on palpation. The pain in turn can be of various kinds: slow to arise or stinging, persistent or degrading if constant pressure is maintained.
Each reflexology treatment begins with listening to the responses of the areas that are pressed, and what is valid in the acupressure of the areas and epicenters of the soft organs present on the soles of the feet, also applies to the spleen.
The response of the area gives indications regarding the more material aspect of the functions of the spleen, while the epicenters speak of deeper, energetic aspects and their analogical aspect.
Thus the treatment of the areas of the spleen gives information on the immune response , on how the experiences that are considered as emergencies are managed, on the state of psychophysical stress, while the treatment of the epicenters responds to the analogical concepts of the transformation of profound experiences.
The pressure must be adequate and follow the personal and particular response of each individual foot: during each treatment it is necessary to adapt the protocol to the specificity of the person receiving the pressure, and to respect the connections of the whole with the individual, bearing in mind that the little one contributes to the balance of the great and that complexity is made up of a lot of information that must be considered as a whole .
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