The power of the mind to lose weight

The power of the mind to lose weight

sugarsfatsIs it possible to lose weight with the power of the mind? There are news that, writing about nutrition for years, have stuck with me: from some past research, in fact, I discovered that our brain “activates” when it sees fatty and sugary foods, a characteristic apparently typical of Western populations. and that it would be the fault of a neurotransmitter , which would thus answer a genetic question (more fat and more energy to survive). What does it mean? It means that even if we are on a diet, salad and vegetables will never make our mouth water like the smell of fast food, or meat, or ice cream, or fried food, or desserts or pasta or pizza.. Our brain always tends to favor those: then we can also “like” celery, but this is another matter. In particular, eating fatty foods gives us feelings of pleasure, as this research also indicates , while, as we all know, foods rich in sugars increase serotonin levels (both salty and sweet carbohydrates).
This was all I knew so far, which also explains why we are told that sugar and fat are real drugs for our body . Now, however, a researcher claims that with the power of the mind it is possible to modify this biological and genetic predilection. According to the researcher, in fact,the brain can be trained to prefer healthy foods over sugary and fatty foods. Let me add immediately that it is not an easy thing, which explains very well why we find it so hard to change eating habits, and we often fall into temptation when faced with harmful foods. We do not do it only for the sin of gluttony. Of all the gluttony I have ever done, less than half were actually good gluttony. Dr. Amanda Salis , who lost 30 kilos, is well aware of this, and is now conducting a study in Australia in which participants have not only been put on a diet, but have brains trained to lose weight.. If you make conscious choices about a healthy diet, your brain is gradually convinced to make your mouth water in front of a plate of wholemeal pasta or legumes, lean roasts, baked vegetables. There are three things we can start doing to help us lose weight with the power of the mind:
– do not be hungry (eat the right things frequently so as not to find yourself very hungry)
– avoid eating habits 
– when you have bites of hunger eats healthy alternatives

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