The Pape method to lose weight while sleeping

The Pape method to lose weight while sleeping

 sleeping to lose weight and is considered one of the leading German experts in the field of obesity and nutrition, even if to be precise he is a specialist in internal medicine.

His is a method that allows overweight and obese people to lose weight, taking care of sleep and not just nutrition. In fact, several scientific studies have shown that lack of sleep creates a hormonal alteration, whereby the stress hormones interfere with those of hunger and satiety, causing greater appetite, but not only.

In conditions of sleep deprivation, the metabolism burns less fat for energy purposes. This increases hunger and we can have problems with visceral fat, cholesterol and high triglycerides if we do not sleep a lot. Let’s see how his method works.


Dr. Pape asserts that one of the keys to weight loss is sleep rather than diet.
On the contrary, you have to eat your fill, traditional slimming diets are harmful: at the base of his concept of nutrition there is instead a dietary approach that regulates the action of insulin through food .

The diet of dr. Pape is simple and non-restrictive and is nicknamed Sis (from Slim in sleep : skinny while sleeping).

We eat three times a day, a carbohydrate-only breakfast, a balanced carbohydrate-protein lunch and a protein-only dinner with more fat. Carbohydrates should not be taken at dinner in order not to create insulin spikes that would make us fat.

However, this last feature of his method is not supported by current scientific knowledge. On the contrary, we have already known for about ten years that carbohydrates play a very important role even at dinner, which is why they should not be eliminated.
Furthermore, proteins also raise insulin, obviously in this case it depends on the type and quantity, but they all have a certain insulin index.
On the other hand, the idea of ​​not focusing too much on calories, but on reducing stress is good.

In fact, this interview states that women should consume about two thousand calories a day and men two thousand and five hundred, but if you are obese even three thousand.
The calories are those of an average sedentary individual according to FAO and WHO, as reviewed in the guidelines of recent years. Therefore, if a person eats normally, the slimming action will be given by the restoration of sleep and therefore by the hormonal improvement. You cannot eat and not sleep enough. In fact, Pape recommends sleeping ten hours a night.

On the next page we see the other features of the Pape method and an example of a menu.

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