The Paleo diet? Does not exist
As you know, there is a diet that has literally depopulated since this year and is based on the idea of being able to return to eat like primitive men, indeed, of the Paleolithic: for this reason it is nicknamed the Paleo or Paleodieta diet , and is based on the ‘idea that by excluding industrial or man-made foods , sugar, all complex carbohydrates (bread, pasta, sugar, cereals, cereal products), legumes, milk, dairy products and cheeses, you can lose a lot of weight . The basis of the diet is exactly the opposite of that of the Mediterranean diet:every day you have to eat large quantities of meat, even fatty cuts, especially red meat; fish and eggs, oil seeds, nuts and vegetables, oil, butter and coconut oil, little fruit. Those who follow it are convinced that the Paleolithic man lived for a long time in health because he did not yet know the cultivation of cereals. There have been many denials to this theory: from researchers who have already shown that Paleolithic men ate wild cereals and raw legumes to clean up their intestines, to many experts who have ruled out that the life of our remote ancestors was so healthy: men died early, they already had signs of chronic diseases at forty , and from this point of view our evolution coincided with greater longevity.
Now another study confirms the skepticism of experts: according to a study published in The Quarterly Review of Biology, hominids of the early Paleolithic did not follow a specific diet or did not have food knowledge, but like wild boars or bears they ate everything that happened to them. within range and which seemed edible to them, without excluding seeds, for example. Furthermore, while wanting to buy meat from free-range farming and herbivorous feeding (grass-fed in English), today’s environmental characteristics are so different from those of thousands of years ago that even the most natural and simple food is very different since then.
In short: the Paleo diet does not exist as a Paleolithic diet, because the Paleolithic men were omnivorous and instinctive in their diet. And even if we wanted to do it, qualitatively speaking it would be impossible. How to trust a diet that has no scientific basis?
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