The nutritionist’s spring diet to lose 5 kg

The nutritionist’s spring diet to lose 5 kg

Spring is the best time of the year to detoxify, focusing on light but energy-rich foods such as fruit, which according to Ayurveda favors the detoxification of the excretory organs (liver, kidney, skin, etc.), on draining herbal teas and colorful dishes such as salads, but also a quick warm and light soup.

With the spring diet of Dr. Suzie Burrell, Australian nutritionist Dcomedieta has often told you about, it will be possible to lose 5 to 6 kg in a month thanks to an easy weekly menu.

The ideal would be to do this spring diet in a period of your choice from the end of March to the end of May, and then follow an easy maintenance plan in the summer. Let’s see it together.
As with all diets, I always recommend that you speak to your doctor before following them.


Shopping list.
Here’s what to buy every week to be able to follow the spring diet.

Seasonal fruit, seasonal vegetables (including pumpkin, lettuce, tomatoes, celery, carrots and onions for soup), natural orange juice, turkey or chicken breast, oats, brown rice or basmati, skim yogurt o Greek skimmed or soy, natural tofu or tempeh, wholemeal bread (made with 1 flour) o rye bread, almonds, 70% dark chocolate, boiled legumes, light mozzarella, feta, ricotta, eggs, spaghetti di soy or wholemeal, shrimp or squid, cod or plaice, natural tuna, bresaola, vegan sliced, vegan greek yogurt, valsoia ice cream (tub), stone ground wholemeal flour.

Spring Diet Weekly Menu.

Breakfast and snacks are the same for every day.
A detox soup should be made and eaten as an appetizer every night. The recipe is at the end of the article.

200 ml of natural orange juice, 200 grams of low-fat white or soy yogurt or 170-150 grams of skimmed Greek yogurt with stevia and a sprinkle of cinnamon. 50 grams of banana or 120 grams of strawberries, kiwis, red fruits, fresh pineapple in pieces.
As an alternative to yogurt: 150 grams of skimmed quark or skimmed cottage cheese.

Snack once a day.
150 grams of fruit including medlar, peaches, strawberries, oranges, kiwis, apricots or 10 almonds.

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