The myth of slow metabolism

The myth of slow metabolism

Many people write to me saying that because they are unable to lose weight, they gradually eat less to try to get results .

And, with an unpleasant and supreme surprise, not only by dropping below a thousand calories a day they no longer lose weight after a first time, but as soon as they eat a little more they gain on kilos like nothing had happened.

Obviously, they are afraid to eat more, but in short, this is not life.

Whether they have a slow metabolism, or some health problem that prevents them from losing weight?
Well, this slow metabolism thing is becoming a bit like the “matter of principle” of any diet .
Everyone talks about it, nobody knows what it is, and if it really is.

People who say they have a slow metabolism often, like everyone else, have a perfectly normal metabolism . And it’s amazing how people who know everything about diets and are willing to make huge sacrifices don’t have an enviable weight, but often fall victim to their extreme food choices.

Metabolism, I’ll never stop saying it, is a kind of perfect machine that has its own fuel , and its performance adjusts according to the fuel it has. If it runs low on fuel, the car slows down. If we keep giving it fuel, but there is already too much in the tank (our body), the fuel leaks out and the tank tries to widen to contain it. How do you get the car started? You turn it on, and make sure it has enough fuel, as well as being in perfect condition.

If we are healthy, we need to feed ourselves to get the metabolism going.
And if we have been eating too little for a long time now, what do we do?

Here’s how to get started.

  1. Never go below 1200/1300 calories if you are on a diet, unless you compensate for the other days. NEVER .
  2. If you burn a little, it is normal to gain weight. So you need to lead a less sedentary life if you want a faster metabolism.
  3. It is important to know what we eat. More fruit and vegetables and fewer refined products, junk and sweets.
  4. Lean mass (muscles) burn more than fat, albeit slightly. You have to work out with weights if you want your body to burn. At least three times a week for at least three quarters of an hour or half an hour but every day.
  5. Most likely you do not have a slow metabolism, but at the limit a sedentary lifestyle or wrong food choices do not allow you to burn what you eat or make you go to savings. Meditate.
  6. Eat five times a day if you have trouble managing one large meal, three main meals, and two snacks.
  7. Drink when you are thirsty. Both drinking little and drinking a lot are wrong.
  8.  Start with a good balanced breakfast and never skip meals if you are already stressed. 
  9. The best choice for increasing metabolism? To eat!
    Try to eat more and exercise instead of cutting calories.

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