The modern diet increases the risk of sepsis
We already know that a modern diet, rich in carbohydrates, fats and low in fiber, or with industrial and unnatural foods, increases the risk of serious diseases and metabolic syndrome.
But from today there is one more reason to prefer a more natural diet.
According to research conducted by Dr. Denise Monack , a microbiologist at Stanford University, the modern diet typical of Western and industrialized countries can increase the risk of sepsis and severe intestinal inflammation .
Sepsis is the consequence of a reduced sterility of some areas of the body that are infected with pathogens, with very serious and even lethal consequences. Formerly known as septicemia , sepsis if not promptly treated can in fact be fatal.
But what links the modern diet to an increased risk of serious infections?
According to the study conducted by the doctor, and published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the explanation is in the correlation between nutrition and the immune system.
The largest apparatus of our lymphocytic immune system is in fact the intestinal one or GALT.
What we ingest therefore determines a lowering or strengthening of the immune defenses.
If we do not feed ourselves adequately, the immune defenses are lowered, and consequently what is called a systemic inflammatory response can occur.
The risk of sepsis is a consequence of this inflammatory state that involves our whole body.
The lack of fiber combined with the lack of vitamins and minerals seriously compromises our immune system. And unfortunately this deficiency is typical of the modern diet.
In the doctor’s experiment, the researchers fed a group of mice as a modern man would.
The mice had altered markers of inflammation following the diet.
And the altered state of the intestinal flora plays a key role in the onset of serious infections in the body.
This is why increasing the consumption of seasonal fruit and vegetables and reducing the consumption of industrial foods is the best way to prevent a progressive lowering of the immune system.
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