The model who teaches to accept one’s body

The model who teaches to accept one’s body

She went on one diet after another, and exercised compulsively, spending hours and hours in the gym almost every day to keep herself slim : being beautiful and fit was a job for Iskra Lawrence, a sunny and blonde girl, very beautiful, who had decided to take care of her body to work as a model. For this reason, every week she constantly took measurements : the scales were not enough, and Iskra started from the ankles. From working, she worked, but over the years her health faltered, and so did her will to live. To make matters worse, a modeling agency fired her at just 16 because she had hips wider than the measurements imposed on models.. This opened a chasm in her: what she did with her was not enough, she told herself, and she began to see herself always and in any case too fat. She developed an eating disorder and dysmorphophobia that accompanied her for years, continuing to deny herself food.
Only the help of her family allowed her to survive and heal.

Dopo il caso di Liza, la modella che pur di sfilare mangiava solo 500 calorie al giorno, la storia di Iskra ci insegna che, per vivere bene bisogna prima di tutto accettare il proprio corpo. E partire dal suo benessere: una restrizione calorica ossessiva e una dieta dopo l’altra sono l’ultima cosa di cui il corpo ha bisogno per stare in forma. E ci dà tanti segnali per suggerircelo, segnali che spesso non ascoltiamo, troppo impegnati a raggiungere non il modello migliore di noi stessi, ma un modello esterno a noi, spesso. Iskra si è resa conto di tutto il tempo persoin restrictions, scales, hours of cardio, moodiness, struggle with food. And she had the courage to say enough to an ideal, change jobs (now she is a plus-size model) and focus everything on her psychic and physical well-being, also opening a blog to help people in difficulty such as her . Psychic because she has made peace with food and with the mirror , maintaining a healthy regime but without obsessions; physical because she continues to train, but she does it above all to feel good .


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