The minestrone diet for weight loss 5 kg

The minestrone diet for weight loss 5 kg

So many have asked me for it that I have decided to settle for you. Here is the famous minestrone diet, a diet that, like the Plank or the Miami diet, allows you to lose many kilos in a very short time, in this case up to 5 kg in a week, and which was born as a hospital slimming regimen for patients that in view of delicate interventions they had to lose a lot of weight. From the hospital, these lightning diets have become mainstream, within everyone’s reach, with a series of variations: in the United States the soup includes cabbage soup diet, while here our minestrone diet includes a light soup, preferably without potatoes. and homemade, of which I give you the recipe.
The minestrone diet is a diet to avoid:the weight that is decreasing is apparent, caused by a loss of fluids and glycogen stores which, as soon as the diet is resumed, are replenished. It also unnecessarily stresses our metabolism. I can’t tell you that you will lose lean mass, because lean mass is not lost in one or two weeks: but it empties, yes. So the weight loss is apparent.
Do you want to do the same? Well, here is the recipe for minestrone and under the diet that you can undertake for a maximum of two weeks.
In italics you will find additions that will allow you to have healthier and less extreme results, and therefore perhaps to lose 4 kilos in two weeks without regaining them. But if you want the real minestrone diet, just ignore the italics.

6 coarse pieces of copper onions, or alternatively 6 leeks.
A savoy cabbage, a green cabbage or a broccoli or a cauliflower cut into small pieces
Two fennel cut into strips
A jar of peeled tomato
A stick of celery
Parsley, herbs to taste
Procedure: boil all the chopped vegetables with a little salt, avoid to put the nut and try to flavor with a few spices, such as turmeric. Minestrone must always be accompanied by a tablespoon of raw oil per dish! Don’t skip this thing.

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