The low-sodium diet does not make you lose weight

The low-sodium diet does not make you lose weight

low-sodium dietSometimes I seem to say obvious things, then I discover that they are not so obvious: just yesterday in fact I wrote an article on the diet against cellulite, saying that a low-sodium diet, or in the recommended doses of a level spoon a day, is useful for fight cellulite. Here, nowhere did I say that a low-sodium diet makes you lose weight , as I was then asked on a social network.
Completely eliminating salt from your diet is bad for you. I am absolutely against anyone who eats everything that is tasteless. We need salt , and depending on how much we drink, how much we sweat, how much sport we do, our salt consumption must even be increased.

To stay healthy,we need not to go below the recommended daily salt levels : however, it is very difficult to go below those levels. A level teaspoon of salt is enough in a day, it means three / four pinches, that is a diet that is not completely but moderately sciapine. In general, unless you eliminate salt from your diet even with low-salt water and no salty foods, people are more likely to consume more salt than normal, and not suffer from deficiency damage . This is why we are getting bogged down with this salt story, and the salt we put in the dishes has nothing to do with it. The products we buy have to do with it. A salty product has more taste, and with this trick, just read the label and you will find salt in many products you buy that in theory shouldn’t have: ice cream, biscuits, breakfast cereals, cottage cheese. And of course all savory dishes: from frozen vegetables to tomato sauce, salt can be anywhere.
But what does salt have to do with weight loss? Eating more or less salty varies the concentration of liquids in our body. In the case of cellulite, for example, we have a water retention problem that aggravates panniculopathy. We drink more, we eat less salt, to help us.If I eat very salty I can retain more liquid, and therefore be more swollen. However, there is no mention of ten kilos of swelling, at most two, three if we are already considerably overweight.
In short, salt affects liquids, because it retains them: some phony diets encourage weight loss by recommending eating without salt AT ALL . So the victim loses fluids and after a few weeks health is at stake: but the trick of losing fluids works only at the beginning of the diet, and as you lose fluids they are replenished!

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