The low-fodmap cake for those suffering from a swollen stomach

The low-fodmap cake for those suffering from a swollen stomach

Can someone with a swollen stomach and colon ailments eat a chocolate cake? 
According to Monash University , which first developed the low-fodmap diet for people with irritable bowel, yes, at least according to the list of low-fodmap foods, which are foods that are ideal for those with a bloated stomach. because they do not cause intestinal fermentation.

In particular, chocolate lovers can eat it without abusing it, as long as it is not milk or white chocolate: extra dark chocolate or bitter cocoa is better, but overall it should not exceed 20/30 grams per day.
A cake like this comes in handy : very chocolaty and easy to make, it does not contain wheat derivatives (it is also gluten free) or milk derivatives and we can afford to eat a slice a day without consequences.

Ingredients for 10 portions
230 gr of extra dark chocolate
150 gr of butter
200 gr of normal or cane sugar
a pinch of salt
4 large eggs at room temperature
30 gr of bitter cocoa

Grease a 22 cm cake pan with part of the butter and preheat the oven to 190 °. Melt the butter and the extra dark chocolate in a bain-marie, taking care that it does not burn, then let it cool so that it is warm but not very hot. Whip the whole eggs with the sugar and a pinch of salt, then add the cocoa and blend until you get a nice cream. Pour in the egg and chocolate mixture and mix well. Pour everything into the pan and cook for thirty minutes at 180 °.

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