The lemon slimming herbal tea

The lemon slimming herbal tea

A slimming herbal tea that includes three powerful natural ingredients: lemon, ginger and cinnamon, to keep blood sugar at bay and reduce the absorption of fats and sugars at every meal.

This drink should in fact be consumed immediately before main meals. And it is useful as an adjunct to the diet we are doing, but also in case of high cholesterol, high triglycerides, high blood sugar and a tendency to gain weight.
It is advisable to take the lemon slimming herbal tea for at least two months regularly, then stop for about 3 weeks and repeat the treatment.

Will it be enough on its own to lose weight? Clearly not. A drink is not enough.
But it is certainly a help, more effective than simple lemon water taken in the morning, because it also helps in case of intestinal regularity problems.

This is the recipe for the lemon slimming herbal tea, the doses are for three daily portions of slimming herbal tea (half a glass per meal).


Ingredients : an untreated lemon, a cinnamon stick, a 3-4 cm piece of fresh ginger.

Chop the lemon (organic but peeled) and put the puree in a saucepan with 400 ml of boiling water, one or two cinnamon sticks and a piece of fresh ginger.

Alternatively, you can use a teaspoon of powdered ginger and one of cinnamon. Let the mixture resume boiling for 20 minutes over a very low flame, let it cool and filter the drink well, eliminating all residues and adding two large glasses of water to the filtered mixture.

The slimming herbal tea can also be drunk at room temperature or re-heated.
Anyone who wants can sweeten it with a pinch of stevia, but it would be better to take it bitter, in doses of about half a glass ten minutes before each meal, starting with breakfast.

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