The latest scientific discoveries on healthy eating: do you know them?

The latest scientific discoveries on healthy eating: do you know them?

discoveriesThe latest studies on proper nutrition have begun to unhinge many of the things that were known about healthy eating but alas , while the researches go around the planet, Italy seems to be lacking in information about it , and so too a person who is attentive in his nutrition tends to listen to commonplaces, to resentful and well-known things that even doctors once told us frequently.
But it would be good to know that some of these resentful and well-known things, which we now take for granted, have been debunked and contradicted by the latest scientific discoveries. I’ll give you an example. How many of you know that a daily consumption of eggs does not increase blood cholesterol? How many of you know that are saturated fats no longer associated with an increase in cardiovascular disorders (unless you eat butter or lard by the spoonfuls)?

So let’s see what the latest scientific discoveries say, and if they can help us to have a healthy but less restrictive diet, moving us away from the unpleasant impression of not being able to eat anything or not knowing how to behave at the table because everything hurts.

1) Added sugars:
 it would be better to limit added sugars, or to reduce the consumption of sugary drinks, sugary products of all kinds, making sure to read the labels of what we buy, even when we are sure that the yogurt is white and natural.
But: green light for natural sugars. Yes to fruit at the right degree of ripeness, yes to cooking with natural sugars such as honey, maple syrup, coconut sugar, with an eye to quality. Instead, we reduce the other simple added sugars to 24 grams per day if we are women, and 36 grams. if we are men. Do they seem too many? Actually no. A package of fruit yogurt has 20 to 30 grams of 125 grams of product.

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