The ketogenic diet to fight the flu virus?

The ketogenic diet to fight the flu virus?

new study by researchers from Yale and Cambridge medical schools uncovers a curious effect of the ketogenic diet. The ketogenic diet would in fact help fight the flu virus.

In fact, 7 days of ketogenic diet would be enough to stimulate the production of γδ lymphocytes, which would be linked to a greater strengthening of the immune defenses against the flu. For this to happen, you need to have at least 7 days of ketogenic diet.


There are 2 ways to go on a ketogenic diet for at least seven days.

  • The first way is to follow this meal plan for 7 days.

The diet can be done with carbohydrates taken only through green leafy vegetables or broccoli and asparagus for lunch and dinner, no dairy products, and for the rest little meat or fish, eggs and very aged cheeses, all seasoned with generous quantities of olive, coconut oil, or butter.

For breakfast you can instead opt for a glass of almond milk with no added sugar smoothed with 15 grams of chia seeds, bitter cocoa, sweetener + a spoonful of liquid cream or coconut milk with 60% fat.

Oppure optare per una barretta chetogenica a zero carboidrati + un caffè o tè. Come Ketone Bar Snack chetogenico.
In aggiunta, un integratore di sali minerali e uno di vitamina C sono indispensabili.

  • Il secondo modo è seguire la dieta mima-digiuno del dottor Longo attraverso il suo kit.

    Nei giorni di non digiuno occorre assumere comunque pochi carboidrati, come da piano uno o limitandosi a una sola porzione di frutta acidula al giorno, pesce, carne, tofu al naturale o legumi, verdure e olio di oliva. Attraverso il mima-digiuno si possono ottenere simili risultati.
    Trovate il kit qui.
    PROLON® KIT DIETA MIMA DIGIUNO del Professore Valter Longo

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