The ketogenic diet

The ketogenic diet

avocado-933060_640The ketogenic diet,  such as the Paleo diet,  is the big star of recent years, returning to the fore after a long period in which only high-carb and low-fat diets went, precisely because new studies have confirmed the importance of fat in the diet, and the blame for “what makes people fat” has gone from “people get fat because they eat fat”, to “people get fat because they eat too much sugar”.
In parallel, a series of diets released in recent years (the Tim Noakes diet, the Bulletproof, but also all the books against the consumption of cereals such as Dr. Perlmutter’s “The Intelligent Diet”) have reaffirmed the usefulness of the diet in fats, listing the reasons, in some cases legitimate and supported by studies, in others a bit spurious, why eating fat does not make you fat, fats are useful for metabolism, increase the sense of satiety and so on.

In reality, the ketogenic diet, a very low-carb, high-fat regimen, moderate in protein (and not a protein and high protein regimen as some say), is a diet used in medical settings to treat epilepsy and other diseases or of the nervous system or autoimmune. What does it mean? It means that outside of this medical protocol, the ketogenic diet is just a do-it-yourself, a huge wild west where people start cutting carbohydrates to induce prolonged ketosis in the body. Doctors who use the ketogenic diet as a cure, on the other hand, vary their carbohydrate intake according to the health and characteristics of their patients. People who follow it without knowing it, often risk using the ketogenic diet in a risky way.

How does it work then? As I said, ketogenic involves a large consumption of fat to lose weight , especially saturated (and especially of the long-chain type),  a normal consumption of proteins and a very low consumption of carbohydrates, which must be reduced to vegetables in most cases, a little white rice or half a potato every now and then or a low-carbohydrate fruit (citrus, berries), while nuts and dried fruit or seeds are allowed.
Fruit in general is almost banned, complex carbohydrates are certainly banned in the percentages provided for by the Mediterranean diet, and even in the lower percentages of the Zone diet (40%): the ketogenic diet is in fact almost a zero-carb. Why it works,not only must it be done forever , which means saying goodbye for life to bread, pasta, sweets and pizza (otherwise ketogenesis, a process by which the body uses amino acids to obtain energy, no longer occurs or is inefficient if one they also take carbohydrates), but according to the orthodox this method must  also be done strictly, without free meals or the like. One exception is the cyclical ketogenic diet , which is widely used in sports. Safer than the regular ketogenic diet, the cyclical ketogenic diet has a carb recovery window of approximately two days or 72 hours.
Here’s what to know about the ketogenic diet. (on page two).


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