The Japanese diet to lose 13 kg: what is it?

The Japanese diet to lose 13 kg: what is it?


A Japanese diet is online on Italian sites to lose 13 kg in 13 days, according to some 11 kg in 13 days.
A madness.
And in fact this diet doesn’t really exist.
It is a menu that has nothing Japanese in it, which on some sites can be read as being linked to a non-existent clinic (the Yaeks Clinic). Or that it derives from the book of a famous American author of Japanese origins, Naomi Moriyama.
However, in Moriyama’s books no menu is mentioned, there are only practical advice for Americans who eat too much and badly. Like “eat more vegetables”, “chew slowly” and so on.

But where does the Japanese diet come from to lose 13 kg or 11 kg in 13 days?

diet 13 days

Basically it is a menu published in Romanian magazines , which takes the Plank diet as a model , but adapts it to the tastes of Eastern Europe. This explains why instead of spinach you find cabbage, instead of yogurt a drink similar to kefir (in Italian sites it is kefir) and tomato juice to drink.
Furthermore, the proteins present in the diet have exaggerated quantities to be those of fish or meat that the Japanese eat, while the reduction of carbohydrates is just the opposite of the most famous and healthiest Japanese diet in the world, the Okinawa diet . Which instead provides as much as 80% of carbohydrates and very little protein.

Now that you know this, you can understand for yourself that there is no guarantee that the Japanese diet to lose 13 kg will deliver what it promises.

The kilograms in fact come from an initial conversion of the Romanian text of kilos into pounds for the English version of the diet, so the articles in English speak of a loss of 13 pounds.
The translation into Italian was done from English, and pounds became chili.
Too bad that a pound is less than half a kilo.
In the original texts written only in Romanian, in fact, the kilos that could be lost were 4-6, already a lot for less than two weeks on a diet. Then came the English version (13 pounds) and the Italians who wrongly translated it from English (writing 13 pounds).
Already all this should make you understand that more than a diet this is a real mess.
But there are many others like this on the net.

So here is the original version of the Japanese diet to lose 13 kg which does NOT really make you lose 13 kg but a maximum of 6 and which is not even Japanese but practically from Eastern Europe.

Only the days are exact, although there are variants of 11 or 14.
Of course, as there is no doctor and no clinic behind the diet, there is no guarantee of its success.
You have to be very careful about following diets without the consent of your doctor and I don’t think any doctor would approve such a menu.


Rule to follow: no salt or sugar is used.
Where the quantities of meat or fish are not written, we mean 200 grams of raw weight.
diet menu 2


  • A cup of coffee.
  • Two hard-boiled eggs, a glass of tomato juice and coleslaw with lemon juice.
    Tomato juice to drink can be replaced with a glass of tomato sauce for cooking cabbage or in eggs.
  • Boiled fish such as cod and coleslaw.


  • A cup of coffee and a wholemeal cracker weighing 17-20 grams with no added salt or toasted wholemeal bread with a final weight of 20 grams.
    Somewhere it reads biscuit but it is a translation error.
  • Boiled fish such as cod and cabbage salad with the addition of cucumbers and tomatoes.
  • Veal or beef 100 gr. boiled, frayed and seasoned with lemon juice. And a glass of kefir.


  • Like Tuesday.
  • A large courgette sautéed (and not fried) with a teaspoon of oil.
  • Two hard-boiled eggs, 200 grams of veal cooked like Tuesday, cabbage salad and a teaspoon of oil.


  • Cup of coffee.
  • Three carrots boiled in a salad with a teaspoon of olive oil. At this point the original version is about drinking a raw egg. I would say this is not the case, so do it hard. 15 grams of cheese slice.
  • A 200 gram fruit such as apple, pear or peach, no banana and no grapes.

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