The high blood pressure diet also works on depression
The diet for high blood pressure , for example the Dash Diet or TLC, involves a greater consumption of cooked and raw vegetables, fruit (even with the peel), tubers (to be varied instead of bread, pasta, rice), whole grains. This is because increasing the consumption of vitamins and mineral salts (especially potassium), consuming less artificial and more natural foods (thus avoiding salt and other additives) and above all more hydrated foods (which allow us to satiate ourselves and get more water from food ) allow to reduce blood pressure in people who are predisposed to hypertension . But there is more. A high blood pressure diet with these characteristics would also help defeat depression , a recent study byRush University Medical Center in Chicago.
Depressed people would in fact have advantages to consume foods richer in minerals, vitamins and antioxidants, such as fruit and vegetables, to consume fewer industrial products (those who are depressed often eat a diet rich in so-called “junk food”) and to eat more colorful , consuming mainly seasonal foods. On a sample of almost a thousand people, which also included elderly subjects, it was found that those who ate industrial and processed foods and consumed fruit and vegetables below the recommendations of the guidelines, were much more likely to be depressed. While a high blood pressure diet also helps those who are depressed and even on drug treatment (source ).
If you are new to the Dash diet, I offer you an example here.
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