The fat burning diet

The fat burning diet

A very simple diet, with a fat burning action, which includes a series of yes and no foods and more or less free quantities of some foods, normal than others.

It is the “fat burning diet”, which according to the Regenera Research Group , would allow us to lose weight by activating the right genes and carrying out an anti-inflammatory action. The ideal is to do it for at least a month to see the first improvements in food digestion and weight.


Free fruit and vegetables, green tea to drink during the day, whole grains (and not white) to alternate and eat at every meal in the form of wholemeal bread, wholemeal pasta, rice, oats, cereals, chocolate, olive oil, fish, lean and white meats only, yoghurt. Green light also to spices, especially turmeric.

An example of a fat burner menu

Breakfast with green tea sweetened with stevia, two slices of toasted wholemeal bread with a spoonful of apple compote, a glass of skim milk or a low-fat yogurt.
Snack with a small banana or 150 grams of apple / pear.
Lunch with a plate of 50 grams of wholemeal pasta with vegetables of your choice and a teaspoon of raw oil + a small can of natural tuna or 100 grams of light ricotta or 2 scrambled egg whites. One herbal tea and three almonds.
Snack with a low-fat yogurt and a spoonful of pistachios.
Dinner with 120 grams of fish or white meat with a small boiled or baked potato and a side dish of vegetables in free quantity plus a teaspoon of oil in all, a digestive herbal tea.
Snack:two extra dark chocolate cubes (10 grams in total).


Foods containing saturated fat such as red meats, cured meats, sausages, cheeses that are too fat, smoked products, preserves, butter, alcohol, coffee, fried foods, sauces, refined carbohydrates and refined sugars.

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