The dietician’s healthy meal plan

The dietician’s healthy meal plan

A healthy food plan set on a typical day (with many variations to follow it day by day) to lose weight without weighing food and counting calories, but above all with a healthy and nutritious diet. It was developed by Suzie Burrell , dietician and head of the online magazine Shape me , who explains how to lose weight in a healthy way and without going hungry by having a balanced and healthy diet, with a day like this, in which you eat several times a day and you fill up on fruit and vegetables. The idea is to do it from Monday to Friday, leaving Saturday and Sunday free without exaggerating.


As soon as you wake up: drink two glasses of water

Before breakfast : start the day with a detoxifying juice made from vegetables only. Combine three of the following options every day (each option must include 80g of vegetables: you can also choose just one of 300g or two of 150g) and customize with ginger, cinnamon or lemon juice: fennel / celery / carrots / spinach / radishes / watercress / cucumber / beetroot / lettuce
You can sweeten it with some sweetener.

For breakfast: a slice of wholemeal rye bread or two wasa slices or three rice / corn cakes + two eggs (cooked as you like) or an egg + 2 egg whites + 100 gr of low sugar fruit.
Instead of wholemeal bread, 30 grams of oat flakes are fine. Plus a coffee with whole milk and a teaspoon of honey (if you need to lose weight: coffee without sugar)

Between breakfast and lunch: drink at least half a liter of water.

Lunch: mixed salad or a portion of vegetable soup / cream with a teaspoon of oil + a portion (150 g) of lean meat or fish or legumes (pre-treated) with raw vegetables to munch on + a slice of whole wheat bread of 25 / 30 gr. A cup of sugar-free digestive herbal tea.
Between lunch and dinner: drink at least half a liter of water.

Snack: a granola / cereal / nut bar (maximum 150 Kcal) or 25 gr of aged cheese of your choice with a wasa slice or a biscuit or a fruit of your choice with 5/6 nuts. For those who train: Greek yogurt or a protein bar.

Dinner : fish, meat, tofu, grilled tempeh (max 150/200 gr) + grilled vegetables with a teaspoon of oil in all + a glass of red wine or 40 gr of rice or 150 gr of potatoes (if you want to lose weight, exclude this last +)
Two glasses of water. 

S nack: a sugar-free deflating herbal tea and 20 grams of extra dark chocolate.

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