The diet to lose weight 20 kg or the 20/20 diet

The diet to lose weight 20 kg or the 20/20 diet

With the 20/20 diet it is possible to lose 20 kg in 20 weeks, or in less than five months: hence the name of the 20/20 diet . Designed by Australian nutritionist Lola Berry, this 20 kg weight loss diet is easy and safe, because it is very natural.

Twenty kilos are the minimum guaranteed loss: this means that if you want to lose only 20 kilos you might even be able to do it in less than 20 weeks.

But surely in 20 weeks the twenty kilos are lost even in case of slow metabolism or previous unsuccessful diets. However, always inform your doctor before starting this or any other diet.


This diet excludes all refined foods, while instead eating vegetables, some whole foods, nuts, and encouraging some foods that can improve metabolism, such as green tea, chili and coconut oil.

The advantages: carbohydrates, proteins and fats are not excluded.
You don’t have to weigh all foods – it’s easy and it works.

The disadvantages: it excludes food, even if it does not cause any nutritional deficiency.

At the same time, it is recommended to sleep more, and to carry out a physical activity plan that we will see later, whether you are at home or you can go to the gym or to the park.
Lola herself tried the diet on herself before writing two books on it, losing weight permanently as well as her clients.

Let’s see the diet to lose weight 20 kg in detail.


The diet discourages the consumption of all grains.
The only cereals that can be eaten in these five months are the so-called pseudocereals, namely buckwheat, amaranth, millet and quinoa. We can also eat the pasta or flours of these pseudocereals, for example buckwheat pasta, millet or quinoa flour. 

You cannot eat industrial foods of any kind, but only natural foods: fruits, vegetables, nuts, oil seeds, meat, fish and eggs.

You cannot eat legumes.

Coffee is excluded for 20 weeks. Ok barley and tea. 

You cannot eat sugars and any type of processed food.

Lola Berry filmed herself on the diet proving that anyone can do it, that eliminating the right foods allows the body to burn more and detoxify, and that in particular you can not only lose weight, but also sleep more and stay. better than health.
Less bloated, more active, less lethargic, more energetic.
Let’s see the weight loss plan on page two.

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