The diet of the small meals of Dr. Giorgio Calabrese

The diet of the small meals of Dr. Giorgio Calabrese


Eating small meals during the day, about seven, if you want to lose weight, is the advice that Dr. Giorgio Calabrese , one of the most famous dieticians in Italy,  gives to those who want to lose weight, on the pages of Repubblica Salute : in this way they “buffer ”The action of insulin, we avoid peaks of hunger between meals, we digest better because we do not introduce too much food all at once in the intestine and we are more productive. Although the question of the number of meals is still scientifically uncertain, a recent research published in Public Health that analyzes thirty-one studies on the subject , explains that especially in men, eating more frequent meals is potentially associated with lower weight.
But how to put Dr. Calabrese’s advice into practice? Here is a diet plan of the small meals according to his indications ( source , source , source ).

Breakfast: it must provide at least 20% of the daily calories and should be done early in the morning (around 7.30 am). Here is an example.
– 100 ml of skimmed milk (or vegetable drink), 30 g of baked product (wholemeal rusks, wholemeal bread, oat flakes, breakfast cereals, preferably with no added sugar, wholemeal or dietary biscuits), a small fruit of 100 gr of your choice or two teaspoons of jam without added sugar, a glass of water.
Snack or snacks (about 9.30 / 10 am): 100 grams of fruit or a portion of raw vegetables to taste or 125 grams of low-fat yogurt + a glass of water. If you have a late lunch,you can add an additional snack of raw vegetables or 4-5 nuts accompanied by another glass of water. Lunch (from 12.30 onwards): A small plate of pasta or brown rice (therefore about half a portion: 50 g for women, 60-70 for men) with a generous ration of vegetables of your choice and in free quantity and a level spoon of raw extra virgin olive oil, 100 gr of fruit of your choice (or a small fruit). Snack (at least two hours after lunch): if you dine late, there can be two snacks  (or if you dine early, you can eat a snack after dinner), the choice is between: – 10 gr of dark chocolate – a yogurt lean, also Greek, natural – 4-5 nuts – a small fruit

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