The diet of the office workers: they eat one hundred thousand more calories

The diet of the office workers: they eat one hundred thousand more calories

Women who work in the office? They would take in one hundred thousand calories more than those working in other contexts , with the tendency therefore to gain weight, if they are not careful, about 12 kilos in a year. Between colleagues ‘birthdays, second breakfasts at the bar, chocolates in the desk drawer and a cookie or cracker accepted by the desk colleague, not to mention snacks at the machines, the employees’ diet is more than two thousand calories higher than the average weekly calorie budget. feminine . According to a survey promoted by Kallø, a food company, the diet of the employees is made up of small high-calorie snacks, an average of three a day, which are concentrated from half past ten to half past three, and double on Fridays and Mondays. To make matters worse, 47 percent of respondents admitted taking fruit from home to keep hunger at bay with poor results, and consuming more than the recommended amount of fruit.

Among the most frequently consumed snacks: biscuits or bars, cappuccinos, croissants, taralli or crackers.
Now, apart from wondering why the company focused on a female sample (I give myself as an answer that women are the most sensitive consumers to the line), personally when I worked in the office I always ate. 
I had at least two breakfasts, and there were countless times my colleagues offered me a biscuit or a cake.
So I tend to believe that alas, there is a tendency to eat more in working women.
Can we resist it somehow?
First, by having a more satisfying breakfast at hom

, and avoiding the cappuccino of the bar for a more sober coffee without sugar or with sweetener. You could then think of reducing the snacks to two, choosing more satisfying and satiating solutions so that you can say no to the extra biscuit, the detour to the extra bar or the temptation of the machines.
For those who have the possibility of a fridge in the office , a skimmed Greek yogurt is fine, for example, or a protein bar or a protein snack bar, such as those of the Pesoforma or Enerzona that can be found in many supermarkets, and provide little more than one hundred calories (the equivalent of half a croissant or three small biscuits).
For those suffering from high blood pressure, a log of licorice (just the sprig, not the candy) of those available at the pharmacy, does not provide more than a dozen calories.
For those who love the savory taste, these bags of Exante Protein Baked Chips provide just 100 calories.
For those who love biscuits, I always recommend the Pavesini (less than a hundred calories per packet): much better than some cereal bars, each pack contains 11 biscuits. They are also often found in bars.
To avoid:bars with fruit and cereals or nuts, oilseed bars (unless you find solutions of less than a hundred calories, preferably not just puffed cereals), packets of seeds or dried fruit, even when it seems a healthy idea. Even the fruit is not a good idea if you want to stay in shape: better a 100 gram carrot or, excellent as a snack, radishes. Think 100 grams of radishes have only 16 calories. You can wash them at home, soaking them for half an hour, dry them and put them in a bowl, eating up to 250 grams without guilt, for a total of at least 50 calories.

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