The diet after 40 for overweight women
Did you know that? Each age has its own nutritional needs.
And for each age there is a different slimming approach that also takes into account the emotional and hormonal state of the person.
At 40, you don’t lose weight like at 20, nor do you eat the same things.
Here is the after-40 diet for women, recommended by Dr. James Hill , director of the Center for Human Nutrition at the University of Colorado. A diet based on what to eat and when you are over 40.
DIET TO LOSE AT 40 YEARS: why does it work?
The characteristics of the diet after the age of 40 are a greater intake of fiber, calcium and vitamin D to avoid the accumulation of weight especially in the abdomen area.
At the same time, even in a maintenance regime it is necessary to keep an eye on calories, maintaining a good lean mass thanks to physical activity and a slightly higher protein content. This, however, without going on a protein diet and giving up food. At 40, it is no longer time to give up, but to understand how to avoid overdoing it at the table.
Approximately 1350 calorie plan.
30 grams of All Bran or Good Morning cereal or oat flakes, 200 ml of skim milk or 1% fat or calcium added soy (example: Provamel Soya Calcium), Coffee or tea with no added sugar. As an alternative to milk, 150 grams of 0% fat Greek yogurt. As an alternative to cereals, 2 Wasa slices with 3 teaspoons of light jam.
200 ml of orange or pomegranate juice (no added sugar) or 200 grams of kiwi or 200 grams of apple / pear / peach / pineapple.
125 grams of skim white or soy yogurt with a tablespoon of blueberries or two pieces of strawberries, stevia and cinnamon. Alternatively, a fitness cereal bar.
After dinner.
125 grams of low-fat yogurt or low-fat soy with a teaspoon of honey or 10 grams of extra dark chocolate.
3 times a week eat 50 grams of dried legumes of your choice or 200 grams of spring peas or 150 grams of boiled legumes with a wide vegetable side dish including pumpkin, zucchini, salad, spinach, bean sprouts, peppers, aubergines, tomatoes, radicchio, herbs, asparagus tips, snow peas and a teaspoon of oil. You can make these legumes in salads with raw vegetables or in soup with cooked vegetables. 4 times a week you can eat 60 grams of wholemeal bread or 50 grams of soy or rice noodles or rice or wholemeal pasta.
After the meal or in addition to a single dish, opt for the following solutions: 25 grams of Parmigiano Reggiano or Grana Padano or 60 grams of ricotta or 30 grams of feta or 40 grams of mozzarella. For vegan options or alternatively: 40 grams of plain tofu or tempeh + 10 grams of chia seeds or fennel seeds in the main preparation.
Dried aromatic herbs in quantity in the preparation of dishes, spices and aromas to taste.
Finish the meal with 2 almonds.
70 grams of fresh salmon or mackerel or sardines / anchovies (or 50 grams of smoked salmon) twice a week, and once a week 110 grams of white fish of your choice or shellfish. Twice a week: 100 grams of white meat of your choice (rabbit, chicken, turkey) or 65 grams of bresaola. Once a week: two small eggs.
Vegan options. 60 grams of tempeh or fermented tofu or 30 grams of soy or lupine flour or 100 grams of wheat muscle or 50 grams of seitan.
1 teaspoon of oil or butter (5 grams in total) for cooking.
Large vegetable side dish. Prefer broccoli, spinach, regular green beans or edamame, green cabbage.
25 grams of wholemeal bread. Finish the meal with an herbal tea and a piece of extra dark chocolate (5 g).
Training: 3 weekly sessions of approximately 40 minutes like the barre (see here) and walk on non-training days are recommended. Expose yourself to the sun or the fresh air to walk or take advantage of the moments of pause to go outside.
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