The crackers diet: how to lose 10 pounds by eating fiber

The crackers diet: how to lose 10 pounds by eating fiber

It is called ” The crackers diet “, it has become famous abroad because it allows you to lose 10 kilos a month, and it is the very expensive diet at the basis of the weight loss program of nutritionist Tanya Zuckerbrot, author of the F-Factor diet: even if all on the surface it seems like a lightning-fast and senseless diet (the diet of crackers suggests that you only eat those), well, it doesn’t. You can go on for two or three months without any problems, and in the first month you can lose 10 pounds. But what does it consist of, you ask? Here, the first news is that the crackers diet is not based on normal crackers, but on low-calorie Wasa slices (or similar products: in Italy there are only these or almost), which can easily be found in hypermarkets and various supermarkets.
To be clear, these you see in the photo next to the text of the article. They have 30 calories per slice, are based on whole rye, very digestible and yeast-free, with very little salt. Here, Tanya Zuckerbrot’s diet of crackers is based on these wholemeal slices, which are rich in fiber and very satiating. The idea behind the diet is to consume these whole slices instead of carbohydrates (apart from fruit and vegetables) and thus lose weight by acting on the sense of satiety induced by the fibers.
Here is a sample cracker diet plan.

Breakfast: a large glass of water before eating. 3 Wasa slices with 150/170 grams of skimmed Greek yogurt and 3 teaspoons of sugar-free jam or 100 grams of low-sugar fruit instead of jam. Instead of skimmed yogurt you can eat two medium-sized eggs or 50 grams of lean ham or bresaola or 100 grams of light ricotta or 125 grams of soy yogurt or 200 ml of soy milk. Instead of wasa slices you can vary with 50 grams of All-Bran.
Snack: 100 grams of fruit or a 125 gram low-fat yogurt. Lunch:

a large glass of water before eating. 100 grams of lean meat or fish or two eggs or 100 grams of cottage cheese with 3 wasa slices or, as an alternative to wasa slices, 100 grams of boiled legumes or 100 grams of raw potato (also sweet potato). 200-300 grams of vegetables and greens of your choice seasoned with a tablespoon of olive oil or with 70 grams of avocado.
Snack: a Wasa slice with 20 grams of aged cheese of your choice or 15 grams of dark chocolate. Alternatively, about fifteen almonds.
Dinner: 3 wasa slices with 50 grams of mozzarella or 100 grams of fish, shellfish or shellfish of your choice or 60 grams of raw ham. 250 grams of vegetables of your choice with a teaspoon of oil. A 100 gram fruit or half a glass of wine.

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