The chronodiet: when to eat to lose weight?

The chronodiet: when to eat to lose weight?

At the beginning of the nineties two Italian researchers (one of these is Dr. Todisco ) developed the chronodieta , that is a dietary regimen that, based on our circadian rhythms and inspired by the dissociated diet, establishes what to eat and when why the foods are assimilated to the best.
So, to be precise, the chronodiet is not a weight loss diet , but a dietary regimen useful for understanding what we should eat and when.
Can we use some principles of the chronodiet also in the low-calorie weight loss diet, to ensure that the occasional slice of cake or fried fish from the restaurant does not damage the figure?

Yes, this method can teach us  to eat better and to “Tune in” to the needs and rhythms of our body.
Here are the general principles of chronodiet.


  1. Don’t fast: it would be so easy to tip the scales down if you just skip a meal, and intermittent fasting is all the rage today, but the inventors of the chronodiet advise against skipping meals. You stress the body and metabolism, causing it to assimilate more than it should at the next meal. In order not to have line problems, the ideal is that your metabolism is flexible, and it will be  if you put it in a position to be. No fasting.
  2. Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a poor man . The main meals should be three, about four to five hours apart, with fruit-based snacks to avoid hunger pangs. In the first part of the day, from early morning to lunchtime, you have to consume carbohydrates. In the second part, or at dinner, the proteins associated with a vegetable dish.This is because in the morning it is necessary to lower cortisol, and this is achieved by stimulating insulin through carbohydrates. But, since the stress hormone cortisol acts as an antagonist to insulin, the two hormones tend to limit each other. The result is that eating carbohydrates from morning until early afternoon will make it easier to avoid gaining weight. From afternoon to evening it is better to avoid carbohydrates to instead stimulate growth hormone, with a fat-burning action.
    Let’s now see how to set up the chronodiet in practical terms with a scheme.

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