The bite diet, a hundred bites diet

The bite diet, a hundred bites diet

bite dietI had talked about it here , when the five-bite diet came out , which expected to be able to lose a good five kilos in a week: do it again now, because another bite diet came out. Except that this is an excess update, given that this time the bites in question would be one hundred throughout the day, and not five per meal. Yes, if you want to go on a diet without calorie counting, now there is the Hundred Bite Diet. More than a proper diet, unlike her little sister this would be more of a formula. In practice it went like this: a psychologist and a scientist developed a simple trick to lose weight. It takes up to one hundred bites of food a day to lose weight. If you bother to count them, there is also a special tool that counts them for you, the Bite Counter , which will be put on the market for the modest sum of almost two hundred dollars. What do you mean, a hundred bites in one day? Simple, you have to count the total bites of each meal and add them according to how many meals you eat. If you hit a hundred bites, you can’t eat anything for the rest of the day. Of course, for liquids other than water, a bite equals a sip. If you have breakfast with lattes and five biscuits, assuming you finish the café au lait in ten sips and each biscuit is worth two bites, that’s a total of twenty breakfast bites.
A dish of pasta you make out in twenty bites, a piece of fruit in five. We are already 45 bites in the middle of the day

The researchers calculated an average of eleven calories per bite for women and seventeen for men, starting from a research.
I don’t understand how they managed to make the average. If a portion of mascarpone and chocolate cake takes me fifteen bites but has seven hundred calories, according to this theory, in one day I can eat up to six and a half servings of cake, for a total of 4,200 calories consumed. If we eat a plain salad, the calories are fifty, but being a vegetable I will chew more.
In short, more than a new diet formula without calculating calories, it seems like a joke to me .

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