The best books on the subject of “natural cosmetics”?

The best books on the subject of “natural cosmetics”?

I have recently been approaching natural cosmetics and I would be interested in reading books that help me really understand what is inside the products. To understand the effects of the ingredients, even the natural ones. A thousand thanks

Health Answers

Dear user, Thank you for your question. The book that I recommend is very interesting and helps to understand what is behind the formulation and sale of cosmetic products, I hope it will provide you with a good idea on this topic and food for thought. The book in question is: “The make-up is there and you can see it. Tricks and lies about cosmetics. And advices to defend yourself” by Beatrice Mautino. As for the knowledge of natural cosmetics, check if in your city there are active courses on the subject, they are always very interesting to follow. If we talk about self-production, I know some basic natural remedies and recipes that give good results. With the hope of having given you an initial indication on the matter, I remain at your disposal for any further information.

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