The best 3-day diets or shock diet

The best 3-day diets or shock diet

What are the 3-day diets and what are they for? Mainly they are born as a crash diet, that is a quick diet that can be used to lose one to three kilos depending on the food plan.


These diets are generally low-calorie and in addition to this they can be of the detox type (fruit, vegetables, juices, soups) to drain or of the low carbohydrate type.

Then there may also be the balanced low calorie ones, which are usually called compensation diets. If I have eaten too much for a few days, I will do a 3-day compensatory diet to lose what I have taken with the excess calories. In this way I stay even, that is, I return to the condition prior to that occasion that led me to overeat, like the holiday season.

On the contrary, as we have seen, the shock or rapid diet is a solution that allows for fast weight loss. Between the two types, the detox and the low carb one, I always prefer the former actually.

A 3-day low carb diet allows us to lose as much as 3 pounds, but that loss is mostly water. So by the time we go back to eating we restore practically all the weight. We’ll have half a kilo less if it was a drastic low calorie, but no more than that. The ketogenic effect is also very limited. The body can produce ketones already from the first 24 hours of a diet, but it does not use them effectively for energy purposes. To have this effect, the ketogenic diet must be no less than 2-3 weeks.

On the other hand, a 3-day detox diet offers an additional advantage: it helps us not only to lose excess fluids caused by water retention, but at the same time it nourishes the cells thanks to the mineral salts of fruit and vegetables. The other advantage is that it helps the colon cleanse itself of waste, that is, it does that mild washing action that allows us to expel those food residues that generally remain in the intestine.

This happens especially when going to the body you usually have that annoying feeling of not being completely emptied. An intestinal cleansing that with some integration measures also has an important antibacterial function. In the long run, these residues in the colon cause a distended abdomen, which appears to be engulfed. After this diet, the skin appears brighter, more compact and digestive is better.

Which diet to choose?
If your goal is to get more deflated for an important event, a 3-day low carb diet is fine. If, on the other hand, you want benefits that last over time, focus on the 3-day detox diet. You will lose a kilo or a kilo and a half, but as I told you there are advantages that remain over time.

On page two I list the best of the 3-day diets that appeared on Dcomedieta.

I will divide them into compensation diets, to be done after eating too much, in low carbohydrate diets for an important event, in detox diets to drain and clean the intestines.


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