The benefits of pediatric tuina
Tuina is a massage technique linked to Traditional Chinese Medicine. In the pediatric field it can bring numerous benefits.

Tuina pediatric: what it is
Tuina is one of the techniques of traditional Chinese medicine to restore the energy balance of the human being, and to restore the physical, emotional and mental well-being of the treatise.
Taking advantage of the principles of traditional Chinese medicine on the circulation of Qi , the vital breath responsible for health, tuina is expressed in both deep and superficial and continuous manipulations, carried out with the hands on the points and meridians of TCM , the same used by the acupuncture, moxibustion, and shiatsu.
The pediatric tuina is the massage applied to children , adopting particular precautions.
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Tuina pediatric: the benefits
Children are spontaneously more receptive than adults, even when it comes to physical contact. The pediatric tuina exploits this particular infantile predisposition to accept massage, when operated with respect.
The pediatric tuina has developed its own specific treatment protocol for children.
In particular, the benefits are aimed at:
> The strengthening of the immune defenses : in the first years of life the immune system is particularly stressed, and its adequate development influences the child’s well-being and all of his growth;
> To the resolution of typical disorders of the pediatric age : during growth, especially in the first years of life, children are faced with important and continuous changes in nutrition; problems related to digestion and assimilation of nutrients often ensue. The pediatric tuina allows to obtain important benefits in case of colic, constipation, diarrhea, swelling ;
> The sudden physical and emotional changes in children, always due to growth, can lead children to excess energy, with consequent dispersion of energy: it may happen that periods of hyperactivity and agitation alternate with moments of fatigue .
Tuina allows children to soothe excessively yang children , therefore addressing excesses of energy, as well as helping to naturally regain vitality and energy. It is therefore beneficial in cases of insomnia and anxiety, and in the opposite cases of loss of appetite and apathy;
> For the elimination of toxins : through the reflex stimulation of the energies of the various organs and their functions, tuina is particularly useful in cases of frequent seasonal illnesses, such as coughs, colds, the presence of phlegm , and also for the treatment of fever .
The pediatric tuina can be performed by qualified operators, but there are more and more courses that allow parents to acquire the basic techniques and concepts to apply the massage directly on their child .
This is a further benefit that benefits both the child , who perceives the massage as a further care and pampering by the parent, and the parent himself, who learns in this way to know better the needs of his child and to find out what it is more useful for him at that moment.
In fact, the special relationship that exists between parents and children is irreplaceable , and this amplifies the positive effects of the massage.
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