The benefits of a diet don’t last long

The benefits of a diet don’t last long

What diet to do to lose weight? We are often attracted to particular diets, but the answer to this question is very simple.
We should have a diet that we can maintain and follow for life, passing from the slimming phase to the maintenance one.
And to eat a healthy diet, that is a diet that does not create any hormonal decompensation or nutritional deficiencies.

If you follow these rules, it will be easy to navigate the tide of diets out there.
But beware: the benefits of a diet do not last long if we abandon it even after months.

Any diet is fine if we follow the 2 rules, and all diets lead to weight loss.
Thanks to weight loss, we also get cardiovascular benefits, with the reduction of cholesterol, and benefits on blood sugar. Often these two conditions, along with the problems of high blood pressure, improve spontaneously when we lose weight.
The problem is that these benefits disappear within a year if you no longer follow the diet.

It seems obvious, but evidently it is not for many, if a group of researchers thought they had to prove it through a study .

By analyzing data from a group of overweight people with an average age of 49, here’s what they found.


In fact, researchers at McMaster University in Canada analyzed the data of over twenty thousand people who wanted to lose weight, and had the opportunity to choose between 17 different diets, including paleo, low-carbohydrate, ketogenic, no-carbohydrate diet, low-calorie diet. fat, dash diet for hypertension, Mediterranean, vegan, high protein, etc. They analyzed a total of 121 diet studies.

It was found that essentially all diets made participants lose weight, and almost all led to an improvement in metabolic parameters, especially for high blood pressure.

But what happened after these diets, that is, when these people, especially women, had to do the maintenance? It didn’t go very well, as after six months people were 4 pounds thinner on average than before starting the diet. However, if the weight gains were partly gone, they still had lower cholesterol, triglycerides, blood sugar and blood pressure, regardless of the diet initially chosen. Benefits that are gone, however, with minimal improvements still remaining on cholesterol for the reduced-fat diet and the Mediterranean one, after a year. On average, people had gained weight back to but one and a half pounds. And in terms of health, they had returned to their initial levels or nearly so.

I repeat, the rules for steadily losing weight are only two.

1. Choose a diet and activity that you can support FOR LIFE. Diet literally has to change your habits.
2. Second but not least, and linked to the first point: choose a diet that does not create nutritional or health imbalances. Also because in this case you would feel bad sooner or later and you would have to abandon it. So if you want to lose weight, you must first commit yourself.

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