The Baby Food diet or baby food diet

The Baby Food diet or baby food diet

Pay attention to it, the strangest diets, the ones that any person of average intelligence would reject a priori, come from Hollywood and tempt us as a magic filter would. We know very well that we are not in a film, but under the shelter waiting for the bus that will take us to work at eight in the morning.
Yet we continue to believe in fairy tales. This is the case of the famous Baby Food diet , otherwise known as the baby food diet.
Guess what you eat?
Yes, good.
To lose weight with the Baby Food diet , they are eaten baby food.


The Baby Food diet is the baby food diet . It became fashionable because it was used by Jennifer Aniston to lose 3.5 pounds in a few days while she was shooting a movie.
Basically it plans to eat up to 14 baby food a day to lose weight and reduce the sense of hunger.
The diet lasts 3 days a week maximum and there are no indications on the type of baby food to eat, although these should not exceed 50 total calories per jar.

The advantage is that the baby food is easily digestible, has a lot of nutrients and low in calories. The disadvantage lies in everything else: it is a privative and useless diet.
In addition to baby food, a solid “light” meal is eaten once a day, usually at dinner.
For example, a boiled egg + a salad with a teaspoon of oil, or just a fruit and a low-fat yogurt.

Can you lose weight with the baby food diet?
Obviously you lose weight
 . Then you would be able to buy yourself a supermarket to eat everything inside without prying eyes. Eliminating the results you have obtained by stressing your body and head with a diet of less than a thousand calories a day. Is worth?

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