The 7-day quick diet to lose 2.5 pounds

The 7-day quick diet to lose 2.5 pounds

A quick diet to lose about two and a half kilos in just seven days, deflating excess fluids and then doing a quick detox with a low-fat and low-sugar regime, based on two daily replacement meals and a light dinner.

After these 7 days of fast diet it is advisable to eat in moderation or follow a nutritionist’s plan to lose the excess pounds.

Let’s say this meal plan serves as an initial week, to quickly deflate if we have eaten too much, but it can also be a last-minute solution. However, it is not a substitute for a healthy diet.

This week-long detox diet is called The Zero Belly Cleanse , and is part of the shock regimes proposed by David Zinczenko’s The Zero Belly Diet.


Rules: you cannot drink alcohol or use sugar. Eight glasses of water should be drunk every day and should not eat after eight in the evening. If you can, it is best to have dinner by seven in the evening.

Before breakfast: after drinking a glass of water, a half hour walk or jog at home is recommended. Alternatively, half an hour of free body exercises, but light.

Breakfast and lunch include a substitute smoothie from the three recipes listed below.

Mid-morning snack with 12g of almonds (or 14g of dark chocolate). Snack with 100 grams of fruit of your choice except banana.

Light dinner by seven in the evening with a 130g portion of fish or meat (chicken, turkey, white fish, veal) for a woman and 170g for a man. Alternatively, two medium eggs for a woman and two eggs + 2 egg whites for a man, or 100 grams of natural tofu for a woman and 150 for a man.

A portion of vegetables of your choice in free quantity (no potatoes, carrots, beets). 10 gr (a level spoon) of oil in all for seasoning, spices and herbs to taste.
After dinner we can drink herbal teas with zero calorie sweetener, but we can’t eat anything else.


Meal replacement recipes. 

Chocolate and red fruits.
100 ml of Provamel almond milk with no added sugar
8 gr of bitter cocoa
100 gr of red fruits of your choice or cherries or strawberries
170 gr or 150 gr of natural skimmed Greek yogurt also delactosed
half a glass of water (optional)
Calories: about 232

Vanilla chai
60 ml of Provamel almond milk or vanilla soy milk
60 ml of chai or green tea (a small cup of tea)
170 gr of natural skimmed Greek yogurt
60 gr of frozen banana
10 almonds
cinnamon to taste
optional water to add (depends on how much you want it liquid)
Calories: 219 approximately

With peanut butter and cocoa
100 ml Provamel almond milk without added sugar
170 gr or 150 gr of natural skimmed Greek yogurt, also delactosed
8 gr of bitter cocoa
60 gr of frozen banana
6 gr of peanut butter
optional water to add (depends on how much you want it liquid)
Calories: about 258

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