The 5 elements and the Chinese zodiac
Let’s analyze a very interesting and vast topic: the influence of the 5 elements of Chinese philosophy in the Chinese zodiac system.

The Chinese horoscope is , after the classical one based on Western astrology (itself of Babylonian origin), the most consulted in the world .
However , it presents clear differences both in general lines and in details from the Western one.
The first big difference is that the 12 signs are not connected to the constellations and therefore to the months but to a 12-year cycle, in which therefore each sign is connected to a year .
Another difference lies in the system of elements : if the classical Western culture has transmitted to us the philosophy of a cosmos divided into 4 elements (water, fire, earth and air), in the Chinese zodiac there are 5 elements , the so-called wi xing :
>  Wood , which by burning produces fire ;
> fire that feeds the earth with ashes ; Â
> earth that hosts the metal ; Â
> metal that collects  water
under the ground > water that closes the cycle by developing the wood .
Here then is wood, fire, earth, metal and water .
In reverse, we can say that wood dominates the earth , this absorbs water , which extinguishes the fire , unable to melt metal , a tool for cutting wood .
The 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac
Let’s go back to the 12 signs for a moment. These are not divided into groups of 4  relative to the elements as in the West but into triads.
Rat, dragon and monkey have strong but unpredictable characters , capable of very good as well as very bad, authoritative but also authoritarian, with a charisma that can lead to manipulation.
In the second triad we find the buffalo, the snake and the rooster : meticulous, ready to spend time on long-term goals and industrious, they can however become selfish and narrow their minds on a single goal.
Tiger, horse and dog make up the third triad, idealistic and impulsive, oriented towards humanitarianism , they risk turning into rebels unable to control themselves and dedicated to controversy.
In the fourth and last triad we find goat, pig and rabbit , characterized by calm, aesthetics and compassion , they can on the other hand be inexperienced, indecisive or led to an excess of sacrifice.
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The influence of the 5 Chinese elements
The 5 elements intersect with the zodiac signs giving them specificity of character .
First of all it should be emphasized the presence of a sort of affinity to the elements : monkey and rooster prefer metal, tiger and rabbit are at ease with wood, mouse and pig love water, fire is the element of the snake and of the horse, while buffalo, dragon, dog and goat are connected to the earth.
Depending on the year of birth, there is a combination of sign and element : those born this year will be earth dogs, while those born last year are roosters of fire.
Chinese astrology and alchemy are extremely complex . Each object, act or concept has specific effects on each sign often translated with luck and misfortune but which it would be better to consider yin and yang .
Each combination of sign and element generates a series of favorable or unfavorable numbers and colors , seasons and suitable jobs, best times to travel or get married, ideal directions, internal organs to keep an eye on, combinations of sign and element with which we fit better or worse, and even more suitable flowers to surround yourself with.
Only a Chinese astrology expert can be able to calculate all this.
We conclude with a very general description of the influence of the 5 elements on the 12 signs .
The wood element tends to enhance any gifts of nature and to give great ideals to signs.
Water makes the signs more empathetic to others , more perfectionists in details rather than great ideals.
Fire nurtures innate passions and instills courage , prompting fire signs to move and seek out new situations.
The earth tends to develop an innate sense of honesty and kindness , prompting people to be in groups and rooted.
Metal makes signs industrious , dedicated to work, more determined and centered on their interests.
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