The 3 natural sugars to prefer in the diet

The 3 natural sugars to prefer in the diet

hot chocolateThat sugar is bad I wrote and told you in all sauces: our diet is normally too high in the consumption of fructose, where fructose does not simply mean fruit sugar, but a type of simple sugar that together with glucose composes sugar as well as a large part of the sweet substances in circulation, but taken alone, or without the vitamins, mineral salts and amino acids of fruit, as used in industry, it behaves like a toxin, altering not only the our sugar metabolism, and causing us metabolic syndrome and insulin sensitivity, but above all our fat metabolism. While glucose is absorbed directly into the blood,Liver and intestine are the great allies of our fitness and body weight. That’s why we need to limit sugar. We can indulge in a dessert or ice cream no more than once a week if they contain granulated or cane sugar or worse, dextrose and other industrial sweeteners (present in all sweet products on the market, sometimes even salty) such as corn syrup, syrup wheat, rice sugars. But in everyday life it is necessary to find healthy alternatives that allow us to eat sweets and cook sweets without too much stress. therefore,
To combat the negative effects of fructose, the ideal is to choose those foods that contain it in the most natural form possible.Therefore, they must be food and not simply sugars. I did a long research to understand what could be valid alternatives to sugar, going to read all the pros and cons. In this article it is no coincidence that stevia is missing, which like all zero-calorie sweeteners, equally causes an insulin response (and, worse, empty), distorting the sense of satiety of what we eat, as it has the same effects as sugar (sweet taste, which the brain recognizes and regulates the insulin response).

1) Honey:
honey is a real food. It is not the best in cooked foods, for example in cakes, because its organoleptic properties are altered during cooking, but it is a perfect food if we do not abuse it. It has vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Perfect for breakfast, and perfect in association with whole grains. The only drawback: pay attention to the honey you choose. Never take stuff below cost and try to reward the organic and the local in the choice: there are many scams on honey, in which bees are fed on sugar to increase production. A jar of quality honey costs around 5/6 euros.
2) Maple syrup: it is found in some supermarkets, and has extraordinary properties. It is obtained by simply boiling the sap of the maple, so it is not the product of any extraction or refining. It has only 250 calories per hundred grams. Prefect for pancakes, biscuits, crepes, light creams, pancakes.
3) Molasses: it is the waste from the processing of sugar cane or beet (but also of other foods), so it is not a refined sugar, but the brown liquid that comes out of the first extraction of sugar from plants. This is why it is rich in iron, mineral salts, vitamins of group B and F, essential amino acids and has only 235 calories per hundred grams. In southern Italy a very similar product is made with grapes or figs, cooking them outdoors. There. It can also be done at home for those who don’t want anything industrial.

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